Chapter 33: Split Personality Disorder is an Illness That Should be Treated

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After their pointless conversation, Qin Kaiyi noticed that the golden lion had suddenly slowed down its absorption of his demonic qi. His heart skipped a beat, and before he could say anything, he heard Zi Yangpei’s cold voice: “Let’s leave together.” His right hand reached for Tang Shayun, who still knelt and whimpered, grabbing her collar. His left hand tossed Shen Feixiao into Qin Kaiyi’s arms.

In that moment, the chair Qin Kaiyi sat on shifted, revealing a previously blocked hole. Zi Yangpei wasted no time, pulling Tang Shayun into the opening.

Qin Kaiyi held Shen Feixiao tightly, sensing the turmoil in the young man’s expression. A strange sadness welled up within him. He sighed, reaching out to touch Shen Feixiao’s head. “Don’t be sad,” he murmured. “You’ll grow stronger than him in the future.”

Shen Feixiao remained silent, but his eyes spoke volumes.

As they followed Zi Yangpei, Qin Kaiyi reflected on his past. After his mother’s death, he’d believed his future would be eternally bleak—bullied by his stepmother and half-siblings, scorned by servants, surviving on cold leftovers. Seasons changed, but his life remained a monotonous cycle of hardship.

He’d hated it all, yet lacked the power to change it. How could a frail child escape such torment?

But now, an unexpected opportunity stood before Shen Feixiao. The sagelike old man extended his hand, an immortal in mortal guise. The crowd sneered, whispering disdainfully. And as Shen Feixiao hesitated, Qin Kaiyi wondered if this twist of fate would lead to salvation or deeper despair. 🌑🔥🗡️

“That little bastard still wants to cultivate immortality? He should keep dreaming! Even my son hasn’t been selected, but someone like him?! Hmph!” “It’s just a waste of time. That immortal master would be better off using this bit of time to come to my family and take a look.” “□’s son can cultivate to immortality? Aiyo… don’t laugh and send him away.”

Shen Feixiao listened to these voices, a fire burning in his chest. He gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to roar. It wasn’t the right time yet; he had to endure.

The immortal master who pinched his frame looked up at him and said something that changed his life: “Medium spirit roots, also not bad. Go back with me. Next one.”

Shen Feixiao was dumbfounded. The phrase “go back with me, go back with me” echoed in his ears. Something wet leaked from the rims of his eyes.

In many cases, what changes a person’s life is just one sentence.

“Shen Feixiao? Shen Feixiao?” Qin Kaiyi looked at Shen Feixiao, who had buried his head in Qin Kaiyi’s neck. “What’s wrong with you?” 🌑🔥🗡️

“Nothing.” Shen Feixiao’s voice sounded stuffy.

“Uncomfortable?” Qin Kaiyi patted Shen Feixiao’s back, concern etching his features. “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

“En,” Shen Feixiao replied through gritted teeth.

Zi Yangpei, walking ahead, turned and observed the interaction between Qin Kaiyi and Shen Feixiao. “Yo,” he mocked. “A scene of the benevolent father and filial son. You love your son this much?”

“You!” Qin Kaiyi, taken aback by Zi Yangpei’s directness, retorted angrily. “Just walk on the path. Be careful not to sprain an ankle.”

“Haha,” Zi Yangpei’s expression turned crafty. “Thank you for your concern.” He leaned in. “Do you know how to cross the path ahead?”

“How would I know,” Qin Kaiyi grumbled, eyeing the forked road ahead. “Weren’t you leading the way?”

“Yeah,” Zi Yangpei feigned innocence. “When there’s only one way forward, of course it’s me who leads. But now it’s bifurcated.”

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