Chapter 32: Zi Yangpei's Greetings

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After hearing Zi Yangpei say “it’s been good these days,” Qin Kaiyi couldn’t suppress the pain rising in his stomach. Looking at Zi Yangpei laughing uncontrollably, he itched to sink his teeth into that smiling face. Only his little bit of remaining reason held him back from acting impulsively.  Qin Kaiyi twitched his lips up into a smile, “Not bad.”

“Really?” Squinting and looking both Qin Kaiyi and the expressionless Shen Feixiao sitting in Qin Kaiyi’s arms up and down,  Zi Yangpei took a step closer:  “And who is this?” His eyes lingered on Shen Feixiao. “Isn’t he—”

“Qin Kaiyi seized the moment. “My disciple,” he interjected smoothly. The words tumbled out, and he broke into a cold sweat. If Zi Yangpei exposed his true identity, the system’s wrath would be swift and merciless.

“Disciple?” Zi Yangpei’s interest piqued. But he didn’t unmask Qin Kaiyi’s disguise. Instead, he grinned. “Lucky you,” he said. “A cute little disciple, and access to the Treasure Pavilion. Yan Gu knows quite a bit, doesn’t he?”

“… you!” Not expecting Zi Yangpei to be able to directly mention Yan Gu’s existence. The mention of Yan Gu jolted Qin Kaiyi. He called out mentally, but the familiar presence remained absent.

“Don’t call him. He is very afraid of me.” Zi Yangpei moved his gaze. He apparently knew that the mask on Qin Kaiyi’s face was just like a mirage, as he reached out and pinched Qin Kaiyi’s chin: “How has your cultivation of the methods I gave you been going?”

Qin Kaiyi was very dissatisfied with Zi Yangpei’s actions towards himself–he was treating Qin Kaiyi as if he were taking liberties with a maiden. However, this wasn’t easy to directly convey, so instead he helplessly said: “Not bad, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Zi Yang looked at Qin Kaiyi with a smile, as if he were looking at a domestic animal he had raised and fattened: “The more you learn, the happier I will be, isn’t that right?”

“Hehe.” Qin Kaiyi really felt that he and Zi Yangpei’s brain circuits were not on the same plane of existence.

Qin Kaiyi’s forced chuckle masked his frustration. Their brain circuits were clearly misaligned.

But then Zi Yangpei turned to Tang Shayun, who sat huddled on the ground. His smile turned malicious, and Qin Kaiyi braced for the storm. “Miss Tang Shayun,” Zi Yangpei addressed her, his voice dripping venom. “Any last words?”

Tang Shayun’s defiance crumbled. “You’re a demonic cultivator!” she spat, her fear palpable. “You can’t kill me. My father won’t let you go!”

Zi Yangpei’s smile never wavered. He advanced toward her, stepping on her delicate hand without pity. “Aiyah,” he mocked. “So scared.”


ang Shayun’s cry echoed through the chamber, her crushed fingers a testament to her suffering. In her previous life, she’d been an only child, cherished by doting parents. In this life, her innate talent and demonic body had marked her as exceptional. She was a bright pearl, a darling. Who dared to inflict such pain upon her?

Zi Yangpei’s actions fueled her fear and hatred. Death loomed, and she despised him for it.

But Zi Yangpei remained unfazed. “Tsk tsk,” he mused, amused by Tang Shayun’s distress. He withdrew his foot, studying her tear-streaked face. Then, with a sigh, he turned to Qin Kaiyi, still seated in the chair, his demonic energy draining away. “Both of you possess natural demonic bodies,” Zi Yangpei observed. “But you, my dear, are more pleasing to the eye.”

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