Chapter : 17

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As Priya struggled to compose herself, Ram's steady presence provided a semblance of comfort amidst the chaos of her emotions. With tear-stained cheeks and a trembling voice, she looked up at him, her desperation palpable.

he suggested, "Priya, we should report this to the police."

"Ram," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart, "what if going to the police puts Niyasha in even more danger?"

Ram's expression softened with understanding as he gently took Priya's hand in his. "I promise you, Priya," he said, his voice firm with resolve, "I won't let anything happen to Niyasha. We'll find her, and we'll bring her back safely. Trust me."

Though her fear still lingered, Priya found a flicker of hope in Ram's words. With a nod, she mustered the courage to stand, her hand tightly clasped in his. Together, they embarked on the journey to the nearest police station, determined to leave no stone unturned in their quest to bring Niyasha home.

As they navigated the winding streets, each step forward felt like a battle against the unknown. Yet, with Ram by her side, Priya found the strength to face whatever lay ahead. In that moment, she knew that no matter what trials awaited them, they would endure them together, bound by a love stronger than any adversity.

As Priya's trembling hand reached for her buzzing phone, her heart pounded with a mixture of dread and desperate hope. The unknown number flashed on the screen, and as she answered, a wave of fear washed over her at the sound of Arjun's voice.

Arjun's voice pierced the air, dripping with malice and veiled threats. "You're worried, aren't you? Desperate to see your daughter again?"

His words sliced through the air like a chilling breeze, each syllable dripping with malice and veiled threats.

With a quivering voice, Priya pleaded with him, her words choked with tears and desperation.

"Please, Arjun, don't harm her. Take whatever you want from me, but bring back my daughter."

Ram, witnessing Priya's anguish, couldn't contain his rage. Snatching the phone from her, he barked into the receiver,

"You will pay for this! If you've harmed her, I swear—"

 his voice thundered with righteous fury as he unleashed a warning upon Arjun. Each word dripped with the weight of his resolve, a promise of retribution echoing through the receiver before he abruptly ended the call.

In the tense silence that followed, Priya's eyes searched Ram's face, finding solace in the fierce determination etched in his features. With a heavy heart and a newfound resolve, they continued their journey to the police station, united in their fight to bring Niyasha back home.

At the police station, Priya recounted every detail, her voice unwavering despite the turmoil within her. She handed over her phone, the call log now a crucial piece of evidence in the search for Niyasha. The officers listened intently, their expressions grave as they absorbed the gravity of the situation.

With a solemn nod, the lead officer pledged their unwavering support. "We will leave no stone unturned to find your daughter, Mrs. Sharma. We understand the urgency of this matter, and we will do everything in our power to bring her home safely."

Priya's heart swelled with gratitude at their assurance. She clung to the hope that their combined efforts would lead to Niyasha's swift return. With renewed determination, she braced herself for the arduous journey ahead, trusting in the authorities to uphold their promise and reunite her with her daughter. 

As the day dwindled into evening, Ram pulled up in front of Priya's house, their hearts heavy with worry and anticipation. But as they stepped out of the car, their eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before them.

There, sitting on the doorstep, was Niyasha, her face lit up with a bright smile. Priya's breath caught in her throat, her heart soaring with relief and joy. She rushed forward, gathering her daughter into a tight embrace, her arms trembling with emotion.

"Where have you been, sweetheart?" Priya's voice trembled with a mix of concern and overwhelming relief. "We've been so worried about you."

Niyasha's eyes twinkled mischievously as she recounted her adventures. "I went with a friend, Mom," she exclaimed. "He's really nice! We went to the weekfair in the city and had so much fun."

Priya's heart swelled with gratitude for her daughter's safe return. She held Niyasha close, whispering words of love and gratitude, her fears now replaced with overwhelming joy.

As the relief washed over them, Priya couldn't help but ask Niyasha about the friend she mentioned. But before Niyasha could respond, Ram stepped in, his expression stern yet protective.

"Priya, let's not interrogate her right now," Ram interjected gently, his voice a soothing balm amidst the chaos of emotions. "Let's just be grateful that she's safe."

Though her curiosity nagged at her, Priya knew Ram was right. With a nod, she suppressed her questions and focused on the overwhelming sense of relief flooding her heart.

After bidding a heartfelt goodbye to Ram, they stepped into the warmth of their home, the echoes of the day's turmoil slowly fading away. Priya held Niyasha's hand a little tighter, silently vowing to cherish every moment with her daughter.

As the day drew to a close, Priya nestled Niyasha into bed, their nightly routine unfolding with comforting familiarity. As they exchanged the day's anecdotes and musings, Niyasha's innocent voice broke the tranquility.

"Mamma, want to see something?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Priya's curiosity piqued, she nodded in anticipation. With a hint of mystery, Niyasha slipped out of bed and returned clutching a photograph, its edges worn with time. As she presented it to Priya, a rush of discomfort surged through her.

In the dim light of the room, Priya's gaze fell upon the image, her heart skipping a beat. There, captured in the frame, was Niyasha standing beside Arjun, her biological father. The sight stirred a whirlwind of emotions within Priya, a poignant reminder of a past she had long tried to bury.

Struggling to maintain her composure, Priya masked her unease with a tender smile, her fingers tracing the contours of the photograph. In that silent moment, amidst the shadows of the night, the weight of unresolved emotions hung heavy in the air, casting a somber veil over their tranquil haven.

With Niyasha finally drifting into a peaceful slumber, Priya tiptoed back to her own room, the weight of the day's events heavy on her mind. As she smoothed the sheets of her bed, her phone buzzed with a familiar ringtone – Ram calling to check on her well-being.

Assuring him that everything was fine, Priya felt a fleeting sense of relief wash over her. But just as she ended the call, a new message notification flashed on her screen, this time from an unknown number.

Her heart pounding in her chest, Priya hesitated before opening the message, dreading what it might reveal. With trembling fingers, she unlocked her phone and read the ominous words: "Have you seen the photograph? Isn't my girl looking the happiest with her dad?"

A surge of panic seized Priya, her breath catching in her throat as fear gripped her. The message echoed in her mind, igniting a primal instinct to protect her daughter at all costs. With each passing moment, the shadows of uncertainty loomed larger, threatening to engulf her in a nightmare she could not escape.

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