Ep :: 9

52 10 7

As Ram sipped his drink, Priya's questioned

Priya: What about you? You must be leading a peaceful life.

Ram: Furrowing his eyebrows Why do you think so?

Priya: Because you are rich and part of the elite society. People like you don't have any struggles to bear in their life.

Ram: Chuckles You couldn't be more wrong. Money doesn't solve everything.

He explained a hidden truth behind his affluent facade. Despite his wealth, returning to an empty mansion brought its own set of struggles—the echoing halls and deafening silence serving as constant reminders of his solitude. 

Perplexed, Priya probed further, seeking clarity on Ram's cryptic statement. She couldn't comprehend how someone with wealth and privilege could feel such emptiness. Her curiosity hung in the air, waiting for Ram to unravel the layers of his truth.

Ram: You can't buy the time of your loved ones, the care, their compassion, companionship, and above all, love. Can you?

Priya: Chuckles If you have money, you can have love.

Ram: Promptly denies No, that's wrong. Your perception is skewed. You're looking at the world through your eyes. Love can't be bought; it can only be felt. That's what you do with love – you feel it within yourself and in the eyes of your loved ones.

Priya: I don't think so, sir. I mean, how philosophical is that?

Ram immediately replied, "Because you've never experienced that kind of love. When you find someone who can love you like a madman, only then do you realize, I'm sure."

Priya paused for a moment, contemplating Ram's words. She then softly said, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't found that kind of love yet."

Ram smiled gently, "But when you do, Priya, you'll know it. It's a feeling unlike any other."

Priya laughed sarcastically, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Will I ever be able to find true love? No, I have lost my chance. Maybe in some other life."

Ram's expression turned serious as he replied firmly, "Who can tell? You may experience it. We can't predict our future, isn't it?" With those words, he stood up, a sense of hope lingering in his eyes.

As Ram stood up, Priya's voice followed him, tinged with surprise. "Are you leaving already?"

"I will be waiting outside. I'll drop you home," Ram replied calmly.

"But that's not needed, I will manage," Priya insisted.

"I made you wait till this late, so now it's my responsibility to take you home safely. Let me do it, please," Ram insisted with a gentle smile.

Their exchange carried a sense of mutual respect and care, as Ram stepped out, leaving Priya to gather her things before joining him outside.

As Priya stepped outside, the faint aroma of cigarette smoke caught her attention. She spotted Ram, who hastily discarded his cigarette upon seeing her, offering a warm smile. "Let's go," he said, gesturing towards the waiting car.

Ram proceeded to the driver's side as Priya approached the back door. Surprised by her choice, Ram turned back and asked, "Are you going to sit in the back?" Priya chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No, I'm just leaving my bag here," she explained, moving to the front passenger seat beside Ram.

Their exchange reflected a comfortable rapport, as they settled in for the ride home,

As priya struggling with the seat belt ram leaned in to assist priya with the seat belt, she felt a rush of warmth spread through her. His proximity sparked a flutter of anticipation within her, a sensation she hadn't experienced before. With a gentle touch, Ram ensured the seat belt was snug and secure, his concern evident in the way he looked into her eyes.

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