Part 11

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*With Hongjoong and the nurse conversation*

"I am a type of person that is never scared of anything but one thing I'm scared is... Losing the love of my Life.. I seen so many peoples gets into depression.. some of them sh themselves and thought about killing themselves... But I'm afraid Seonghwa will step into the same path too and I don't want to lose him tho.." Hongjoong said making the nurse felt bad already "I'm so sorry dear.. I understand that many peoples usually have this type of bad mental health condition and yes it's true many peoples commit suicide.. But may I ask a question dear?" The nurse asked as Hongjoong nodded "How long did Seonghwa cut himself?" The nurse asked as Hongjoong trying to think "Around when he was 13 to 16" Hongjoong said making the nurse surprise "So that's when his family problems starts?" The nurse asked while handcross "Yep.. his mom left... and his dad left too.. and he's the only child so I'm here to take care of him" Hongjoong said with a sigh as the nurse look down and look up quickly "Well hongjoong i do have sth for Hwa.. I suggest that.. gives him good treatment and gives him compliments everyday and tell good thing about him or tell him good things to him and gives him more comforts.. although Seonghwa is a very kind, sweet and soft boy.." The nurse said looking down "Yes...and dw I'll always gives him good treatment and helps him and I'm just hoping he doesn't get into depression again, he's beautiful.. not just his beauty but his heart,mind,everything about him is beautiful.." Hongjoong said with tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry dear that Seonghwa is going thru this.. Dw everything will be alright" The nurse comfort him as Hongjoong smile with a nodded.

*5 minutes later*

*At Art Class*

Although it was quiet for Hongjoong to sat while painting next to an empty sit because Seonghwa was still at the school clinic to rest, in reality Hongjoong was a quiet person but when he's with Seonghwa, it's like Seonghwa is Hongjoong's happy pillar "I still don't know what to paint" Hongjoong said with a sigh.

*Timeskip* *Hometime*

*Seonghwa's POV*

While Hongjoong is doing his work.. I did my homework too.. pretty early when I noticed there's a mirror staring at me I look at it.. but suddenly I feel like the mirror tells me of his ugly I look and throwing thousands of hurtful words into my head.. I immediately use Hongjoong's tape and tape around the mirror refuse to look at myself... I had enough! I'm so done! Peoples hates me and everyone hates me! I can't do this anymore... I stood up to my sits throwing my homework and pencil on the ground and went to the bathroom quickly and shut the door and sat down on the wall... I started crying again... but I'm crying in pain! My chest hurts too much nowadays I can't handle this pain anymore...

I remove the cast or any bandage off me even tho it's was healing but I deserve to be hurt and abused more... suddenly I turn my head to the left side and found a blade that looks really sharp... I started rolling up my sleeve and cutting myself again on my arm and wrist really hard and even if it's bleed more I still cut more and more.. not just my arm but also cut my own face and scratching my own left eye and throw the blade to the door which is really reddish and I passed out.. everything turns black..


"SEONGHWA! PLZ WAKE UP PLZ WAKE UP!" It was Hongjoong who already took Seonghwa onto the bed and trying to wake him up and dw he already heal him, Hongjoong trying his best to woke Seonghwa up as he felt like crying but trying to hold his tears, while holding Hwa's hand but he felt sth move in his hand "Mmm..." a soft voice comes from Seonghwa, what a relief he finally woke up "BABY!!!" Hongjoong said as he hug him super tightly "Are you okay baby?!" Hongjoong asked as Seonghwa nodded "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." Seonghwa trying to talk but his voice broke.. with tears falling from his eyes "No baby! Are you still feeling sad? Cry all you need to release the pain.. come here" Hongjoong said as he opens his arm, Seonghwa quickly went to hug Hongjoong but cries on his shoulder "There there.. Dw joongie is here now.. Shhhh~" Hongjoong said giving Hwa a kiss on ear and rubbing his back "H-Honey...? Do you hate me...?" Seonghwa asked while coughing "No never! I'll never hate you sweetie I love you so so much don't you ever bring yourself down!" Hongjoong said as he still comfort him.

*Few minute later of Comforting*

Both Hongjoong and Seonghwa change their clothes to wear sth comfortable, while Hongjoong was patting Seonghwa's back who's laying on Hongjoong's lap "Are you feeling okay now princess?" Hongjoong said as Seonghwa look up and nodded still his eyes is red as Hongjoong takes a deep sigh and lift Hwa up and let sat on his lap "Do you need a Nap?" Hongjoong asked as Seonghwa nodded trying not to cry again "Shhh~ its okay it's okay everything is gonna be alright~" Hongjoong said as he rock him into his arm and gives him Lullaby to calm him down, and Hwa's quickly went to sleep mode now as Hongjoong smiles and kiss his nose and put him to bed and gives him warm blanket and his my melody plushie to let him hug it "Princess~... I know you asleep now but I just wanna say is that... Plz don't cut yourself okay? Your skin is not a paper so don't cut it and your not a book too so don't cover yourself... always be strong... be happy... and keep smiling as always and be confident too with yourself.. Your the most beautiful gorgeous person in the world... I'm so lucky to have you even all the beautiful atmosphere we spend together Durning summer I feel like we should do more than just that... And I can't wait for Winter break so we can travel together... and also one thing... Don't be afraid to feel little infront of me I'm always your caregiver okay..? If your father can't treat you right then I'll gives you the best treatment from your lovely wonderful future's husband okay? I love you pumpkin sleep tight" Hongjoong said as he get up and went out of the room and sang "Daddy's Home" from upstairs to kitchen.

*Later on*

It's already evening and Seonghwa is still sleeping as he suddenly blinks and moves, finally he woke up from his nap and rub his eyes with his oversized sleeves since he's wearing Hongjoong's hoodie actually which is oversized and yes hongjoong is taller than Hwa, "Where am I..?" Seonghwa asked as he look around and saw a note on the table as he took it and open it.

The Note:

Princess it's me Hongjoong, Are you awake or still asleep? So apparently I realized that there's no ingredients to cook today and I ran out of gas so let's go out and eat and run some errand today cuz I the fridge is empty T_T wear the black and red suit that I made for you so you match me, I love you pumpkin see you downstairs later. 💗

*Seonghwa's Pov*

Kim Fucking Hongjoong, I'm gonna kill you after this, I was looking forward to his cooking tonight and he ran out of food? A rice and raw Egg would be enough for me to eat but why? Is your god damn fridge is really 100% empty? Oh well let's go get ready with me guys.

*15 minutes later*

Seonghwa came out of the bathroom with his bath robe on and yep he had a cold shower today but he loves cold shower, he pick an outfits ready as he went to the door and close it and lock the door.

(Btw guys both Matz's outfits are the same one back in Part 5. )

Meanwhile, Seonghwa had already finish dressing as he brush his hair using Hongjoong's comb instead of his own and he decided to keep his hair straight for today, Seonghwa is finally done getting ready as he grabs his phone and went thru his phone a bit as he found this song that he been listening to as he thought of dancing? Yep he's gonna do it, he press the record button and it plays "Smart" by Le sserafim.

(Hwa is Using Tiktok for this😭😭😭😭😭😭)

Seonghwa started dancing at the trending part and he really enjoys it and he's also been dancing to many gg song, while Hwa was having fun, Hongjoong suddenly walk by "Baby, are we-" Hongjoong got cut as he pause leaving his mouth wide seeing Seonghwa dancing for the first time as Hongjoong was very interested and just watch Seonghwa dancing without a word, while smirking. Seonghwa was almost finishing his dancing as his head turns and flinch as he saw Hongjoong standing there like a ghost "Honey! What are you doing here? You didn't see anything right?" Seonghwa asked as he didn't do anything "Was that you dancing to "smart" by le sserafim? Tbh you look hot dancing to gg's song but I wanna said is that... Your filming a tiktok and your wiggling your butt infront of the camera and your not showing everybody my strawberry milkshake?" Hongjoong said while he was interested, while Hwa was standing there blushing like a tomato "Imma need you dance that again infront of me next time" Hongjoong said as he wink and left the room to the car, making Seonghwa just feetkicking and giggling there "Omg! Im so embarrassed and shyyyyy! Bunny he didn't see it right right?!" Seonghwa said as he talks to his bunny plushie and continue getting ready quickly.

~To be Continue~

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