Part 8

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*Seonghwa POV*

I was walking down the stairs and grabs my melody plushie and blanket that was on the couch and went outside and I run in tiny to put my stuff there but suddenly sth clicked in my mind, knowing Hongjoong may take a while to come downstairs i decided to do sth I went back inside and close the door and went inside Hongjoong's Studio leaving the door open wide and I lay on back my stomach and only have my head out of the door waiting for Hongjoong.

While hongjoong was walking downstairs and whistle at the same time he thought about getting sth from his studio as Seonghwa call him while on the floor "Honey!" Seonghwa called "AHHH!" Hongjoong scream like a dolphin as he got scared and suddenly went flying to the other wall and got his back hit hardly "Ow!" Hongjoong shouted "Why are you on the floor?!" Hongjoong said "Are we still going out darling?" Seonghwa said in a soft tone "Yeahh" Hongjoong said as he felt like his back breaks "Are we still going?" Seonghwa asked again in a soft tone "Yes we're going princess, Why?" Hongjoong asked "I just wanted to make sure we were still going" Seonghwa said and start giggling softly while still on the floor "So you asked me on the floor?" Hongjoong said as he get up "Yeah I want to see what is like in down here" Seonghwa said while still giggling "Baby plz get up your inside my studio and it's dark there and All I see is a head and no body! 😭😭😭😭😭😭" Hongjoong said making Seonghwa wanted to laugh more but he tries not to laugh out loud "Can you get off the floor and stop cosplaying as an ant?😭😭😭😭😭" Hongjoong said as he help Seonghwa up "Ow! It hurts!" Seonghwa yelled out turns out Hongjoong forgot to heal his cut "OH MY- WHY AM I SO DUMB- GET OVER HERE AND LET ME HEAL YOU-" Hongjoong grabs Seonghwa by the waist fast while carrying him as he run back to the living room "WHAT WAS GRABBING ME FORRRR" Seonghwa shouted "I NEED TO HEAL YOU OFC" Hongjoong said and running fast like a maniac.

*Few hours later, Matz is back in the car*

Forgot to remind, Hongjoong owns more than 3 cars so first he drives Porsche now he changed it to Audi, and although Hwa is 17 he didn't have his driving license due to his father doesn't allow him so hongjoong was thinking a time he can find for Hwa to get his driving license soon, now since it's afternoon it's around 3pm, Seonghwa hasn't eat anything yet since morning except a Pancake but he was starving really badly now suddenly Seonghwa's stomach was growling "Was that your tummy baby?" Hongjoong asked while chuckle "Mm!" Seonghwa said in pout "Okay let's get you sth to eat" Hongjoong said as while driving as he let go of his right hand from the Steering wheel as his hand on Seonghwa's left thighs and caressing it "Mm!" Seonghwa said let out a cute sound as he wanted to hold his hand "Hold me then sweetheart" Hongjoong said as took Seonghwa's hand and held onto Hongjoong's hand while he still caressing his left thigh meanwhile Seonghwa just felt exhausted and tired as he fell asleep straight away, Hongjoong look at him and smile "Awwww" Hongjoong said as he deep sigh as he felt bad for his love of his life.


"Psst wake up marshmallow! Time to get out of the car now" Hongjoong said as he tries to wake Seonghwa up and he already out of the car he just wanted to hwa up, Seonghwa started whining as he didn't want to wake up "5 more minutes plz.." Seonghwa said in a cute tone as he hug his my melody plushie "You don't want McDonald's? Alright I'll just drive back home then" Hongjoong said as he was about to leave and Seonghwa immediately open his eyes "No no no! I want McDonald! Honey your so meanie!" Seonghwa said as he was about to cry again "No no no baby I'm so sorry I was only joking come let's go" Hongjoong said as he laugh softly and carried Seonghwa into his arm and caressing his back "It's okay it's okay I'm here I'll get you ice cream after" Hongjoong said making Hwa upset already.

(Reminder:Hwa is in little space now🥲🥲🥲💗💗💗)


"Alright baby stay here okay I'll order sth for you and wait for me okay?" Hongjoong said as he gives a kiss on Seonghwa's cheek and left to go order sth, leaving Seonghwa all by himself but he gives a face of Upset "I'm boredddddd!" Seonghwa said and whine again while feetkicking in the air as he forgot he did brings his Nintendo with him as he trynna look around but comes to his mind, it was in Hongjoong's bag the entire time now he can't play it as he started crying again, Hongjoong was here on time "What happened baby?! Why are you crying now?" Hongjoong was panicking as he sat down next to him and caressing his back and hair "I want my switch!!" Seonghwa said feetkicking in the air "Alright alright here you go " Hongjoong said as he took it out and gives it to him finally Hwa stop throwing tantrum now as he finally feeling happy and stared playing animal crossing "Your so cute sweetheart" Hongjoong said in a sigh as he caressed his long hair, hearing Seonghwa's giggling making Hongjoong laugh along too cuz he finds it adorable tho "I swear I want to put you in my pocket so badly" Hongjoong said as he just watch Hwa playing the whole time.

*5 minutes later*

The food has arrived and dw Hongjoong order for himself too, while Seonghwa still playing, Hongjoong tapped his shoulder signaling him food is here "Ah!" Seonghwa said as he put his Nintendo switch away and he put back inside Hongjoong's bag too "You got me happy meal?!" Seonghwa said in surprise "Yep for you pumpkin" Hongjoong said as slick back Seonghwa's hair "Yayyy thank youuuuuu!" Seonghwa was just too happy that he immediately hug hongjoong so quickly, Hongjoong saw this as he felt his heart became flattered as Seonghwa broke the hug "Sowwy" Seonghwa said in a soft tone "No need to apologize! Your hugs makes me warm Ofc!" Hongjoong said as he gives Hwa a kiss on his forehead "Now start eating before it gets cold" Hongjoong said as Seonghwa gives him a smile.

*After eating*

They both back to the car again as they both are going to Myeongdong where they're gonna explore many things there tbh Hongjoong hasn't been there since he was 13 so now he finally able to come back with his Love of his Life, as they finally arrived Hongjoong found a space to park his car and now Matz started to walk around before buying things.

~To be Continue~

(Matz are back to school on Part 9 after summer break and there maybe a lil surprise from Hongjoong)

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