Chapter Six

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Nivek321 of, a.k.a. BlueJayCanuck here on Wattpad, made this beautiful book cover. Please don't take it, as she put a lot of effort into it! Thanks!

Hey guys! Glory here. Chapter 6, yay! Credit to Erin Hunter.

Chapter Six

Redpaw paced nervously outside the medicine den. It had been half a moon since Spottedpaw had become Featherwhisker's apprentice, and the young she-cat had shown remarkable skills in healing. Redpaw was proud of his sister and encouraged her as much as he could.

But, I wouldn't be worrying so much if she was still a warrior's apprentice! Redpaw thought bitterly, then pushed the thought away. No, I mustn't think like that. Spottedpaw is destined to be a medicine cat!

Today was the ultimate test for young Spottedpaw. She was helping a she-cat, Bluefur, give birth. Poor Spottedpaw had seemed so nervous, leaving Redpaw frantic. Willowpaw was certain Spottedpaw would be fine. But, Redpaw couldn't help wondering what would happen if Spottedpaw didn't remember a herb or forgot what to do. Would she have to stop her medicine cat training?

He heard a yowl of fury come from inside the medicine den. "Get your paws off!" Bluefur screeched. The she-cat must've been beginning to give birth.

"A tom!" Featherwhisker announced from inside the den. There were a few muffled noises, and then Featherwhisker spoke again. "A she-kit!"

Redpaw sighed with relief. It seemed Spottedpaw was coming along excellently. He strained to hear through the cover of the medicine den. Finally, Featherwhisker announced an arrival one last time.

"A she-kit!" He meowed.

"Why, hello, Redpaw," someone said from behind him. Redpaw whipped around and saw Thrushpelt, Spottedpaw's previous mentor and Bluefur's supposed mate, standing before him. He had his doubts about the tom's relationship with Bluefur, as he never said directly that Bluefur was his mate. Although, he figured it was implied, but he still couldn't be sure.

"Hi, Thrushpelt," Redpaw greeted. "Are you here to check on your mate and kits? They've just been born."

Thrushpelt's eyes lit up with delight. "That's wonderful! Bluefur must be so happy."

There he goes again, Redpaw thought. You can never get a straight answer from him!

"You'd better hurry and go see them before she names them all," Redpaw laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she already has," Thrushpelt chuckled, heading over to the entrance of the medicine den and slipping inside. Just as he entered, Spottedpaw appeared.

"It's crowded in there," she explained.

"How'd it go?" Redpaw stared warily at her for a moment, and then her face broke into a huge smile and she playfully leapt onto him, laughing her delight. Redpaw smiled back broadly.

"Oh, Redpaw, it was wonderful!" Spottedpaw cried happily. "Bluefur looked so pleased, and it felt so good to know I helped!" Redpaw clambered out from under his sister and licked her ear affectionately.

"You're going to be a great medicine cat," he complimented. Spottedpaw beamed, her eyes glittering.

Suddenly, Redpaw remembered something.

"Spottedpaw," he began slowly, his smile fading, "there's something I need to tell you."

Spottedpaw instantly frowned, her ears pricked. "What is it?"

Redpaw thought about where he would start. He wanted to tell her about the StarClan cat, and ask her for advice, but then he remembered that she had begun her training as a medicine cat only half a moon ago. There was no way she could help him.

"Never mind," he muttered. "Now's a bad time."

Spottedpaw stared at him intensely with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Okay," she finally said. "But remember, if you need help, I'm here."

Redpaw nodded. "I know."

"Hey, Spottedpaw!" A voice yowled across the clearing. Willowpaw bounded out of the apprentice's den and towards them. "How was it?"

Spottedpaw smiled again. "It was amazing! I felt so... capable."

Willowpaw's eyes closed in pleasure. "That's wonderful!" She purred. "I knew you could do it."

Featherwhisker suddenly poked his head out of the den. "You can come and meet Bluefur's kits, you three," he called.

"Okay!" Willowpaw said, bounding past the medicine cat and into the den. Spottedpaw thought for a moment.

"I simply must see how Bluefur is feeling," she said at last, following suit.

Redpaw watched them go, feeling uneasy. He didn't think Featherwhisker would be the right one to tell about the StarClan cat. The silver tom looked at the apprentice.

"Are you coming?" He asked. Redpaw nodded and padded past him and into the medicine den.

The visit rushed by, and all that Redpaw had really processed of it were the kits' names- Stonekit, Mistykit, and Mosskit. Feeling drowsy, Redpaw clumsily stumbled out of the medicine den and into the apprentices' den. He settled down into his moss nest, and with the moonlight filtering through the leaves, he gave a long sigh and drifted off into sleep.

Author's Note: Hey guys! What did you think? Well, see you in Chapter 7!

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