Chapter Three

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The cover of this book was made by Nivek321 of  Please do not take the cover, or resize it, as she worked hard on making it.  Thanks! 

Chapter Three is finally here!  Hurray!  Sorry for taking so long!  I've been pretty busy lately.  Well, I'm happy to say the contest has been extended, so I can keep writing this! :)  Here's chapter three!  All credit goes to Erin Hunter! 

Chapter Three

"Redkit, from this moment forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Redpaw."  Sunstar's voice boomed from the top of Hightock as he addressed his Clan.  "Sparrowpelt, you are a noble and loyal warrior, and you will mentor Redpaw.  Pass on your skills to this young apprentice."

Sparrowpelt's eyes flashed with pride as he made eye contact with Redpaw.  As the ceremony finished, Redpaw crept forward to touch noses with his mentor.

"I couldn't have asked for a better apprentice to train," Sparrowpelt whispered in his ear.

Redpaw smiled up at the tom, his chest filled with pride.  Sparrowpelt!  Sunstar couldn't have chosen better.  He looked to his right where Willowkit and Spottedkit, now Willowpaw and Spottedpaw, were touching noses with their mentors,  Adderfang and Thrushpelt.  Excitement radiated off of Willowpaw in waves, and her pretty blue eyes sparkled with excitement.  Spottedpaw seemed happy, too, but something flashed behind her brown eyes, betraying her emotions.  Redpaw narrowed his eyes in confusion.  What was it?  Regret?  Uncertainty?  Or both?  He didn't know.

Sunstar dismissed the Clan and leapt off of Highrock.  The Clan cats dispersed, chatting as they left.  Redpaw saw his mother congratulating Willowpaw and Spottedpaw.  After they exchanged a few words, Swiftbreeze padded over to him.

"Congratulations," she purred, licking his head.

"Mom!" Redpaw wailed, his fur fluffing up with embarassment.

"Alright, my little warrior," she laughed.  "I've got to go get some moss for my bed."  After a few more licks, Swiftbreeze headed to the warrior's den to claim a spot to sleep now that her kits were out of the nursery.

"Congratulations, Redpaw!"  Tigerpaw, an older apprentice, cried as he bounded up to him.  "We're going to be denmates again!"

Redpaw nodded.  "I'm so excited!"  He meowed.

Sparrowpelt padded up to them.  "Redpaw and I are going out to learn how to hunt," he said.  "Would you and Thistleclaw like to join us?"

Tigerpaw looked at his approaching mentor questioningly.  Thistleclaw gave the striped tabby apprentice a hard, angry glare, and Tigerpaw turned back to Redpaw and Sparrowpelt, looking offended.

"No way!  I already know how to hunt.  I don't need to learn with him."  Tigerpaw flicked his tail contemptuously at Redpaw.  "He'll make me lose my skills!"

"Tigerpaw... what's wrong?"  Redpaw asked, hurt.  "Just a second ago..."

Thistleclaw came up next to Tigerpaw, a smug grin on his face.  "Wake up and smell the flowers, Redpaw.  I don't need you holding me back."  Tigerpaw sneered.

"Let's go," Sparrowpelt said, narrowing his eyes.  "We don't need to be hanging around bullies like them."  

Redpaw began walking away with his mentor, looking over his shoulder at the apprentice who once was his friend.  Tigerpaw had just seemed so happy for him and excited that he was an apprentice, but then... then what?

"Redpaw!"  Willowpaw yowled, tackling him from out of no where and pinning him down.  "I can't believe it!  We're apprentices!"

Redpaw pushed away his worries about Tigerpaw and focused on his sister, who had a wide grin on her face.  He pushed at Willowpaw's chest with his legs, throwing her off.  He immediately leapt onto her, pinning her down with her paws squarely on her chest.

"Ha!"  Redpaw grinned.  "Got you!"

Willowpaw squirmed under her brother, writhing in his grip.  "Get off of me, you big lump!"  She laughed.

Redpaw climbed off and turned around, finding himself face to face with Spottedpaw.

"Congratulations, Redpaw," she whispered, looking down at her paws.  Willowpaw's ears pricked toward Spottedpaw, and she trotted over to her siblings, her tail flicking side to side casually.

"What's wrong, Spottedpaw?" She asked, worry laced in her voice.  "Aren't you glad we're apprentices?"

"I'm glad you two are," she muttered, so quietly it was unintelligable to her siblings.

"What was that?"  Redpaw cocked his head.

"Nothing," Spottedpaw replied as she shifted her weight.

"Okay," he shrugged.  "If you say so."

Willowpaw swatted him with her paw.  "Redpaw, what is wrong with you?  Can't you show a little sympathy?"

Redpaw glared at her.  "She said nothing was wrong!"  He growled, his tail lashing.

"That doesn't mean there isn't!"  Willowpaw shot back.  "Actually, it's quite obvious there is!"


"No, Spottedpaw.  I'm tired of him never caring."  Willowpaw cut her off.

"Never caring?  Maybe you could look past your nose and notice I may have just lost my only friend!"


"Spottedpaw, please.  I'm sick of Willowpaw always thinking she's right!"  He roared.

Spottedpaw flashed glances at Sparrowpelt, Thrushpelt, and Adderfang, asking for help.  The warriors were watching the apprentices fight in shock.  Adderfang stepped forward.  "Redpaw, Willowpaw, let's not fight-"

Willowpaw bared her teeth angrily.  "Why you-"

"I'm out of here!"  Redpaw snarled, cutting her off.  He whipped around and dashed out of camp, causing the gorse tunnel to tremble as he left without another word.

Author's Note: Hey guys!  Sorry for the long wait.  I've been pretty busy.  What do you think?  Sorry if this is short.  When I wrote it in a notebook it was 12 pages, so I'm hoping it was decently long! XD  Anywho, I hope you enjoyed Chapter Three!   This is officially my longest Wattpad book.  (\(^o^)/) Yay!  :D  Well, let's hope I can write ten chapters by Friday! XD  We'll see.  Chapter Four is almost done, so I'll see you then!

Please, comment, vote, and fan! :)  

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