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I'm a perfectionist, stfu <3

Why do I let numbers

And letters with a sign

Begin to define

The girl I'm just beginning to find?

How come the whole world

Is revolving around this?

When you met a mark you miss

You panic and stare into an abyss 

I must make this prefect 

But why do we care?

Is this really even fair?

Is my worth just a number on paper for you to tear?

Have you felt the pressure?

The crushing sensation 

That breaks you to your limitation

What's become of our nation?

They don't care if your funny

Or perhaps good at art

Even those good of heart

Are traded for those who are smart

I've always been straight A's

And the second I get a B

I feel my world tumbling around me

Why am I embarrassed? I should feel free

Talents being wasted

Just thrown on the floor

We've proven were worth more

So why's it all about a score?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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