Looking Glass

32 8 6

I hate the way I look

my legs are too big

so is my stomach

My eyes don't shine

I'm really nothing special

My hair is limp my face 

too round, my smile is weird

my teeth aren't straight

No one cares about good grades

when you don't look great

There's this thing

called the looking glass theory

You judge yourself

off of how you think

they think of you

and I hear

Fatty, suck it in

wear this, wear that

fix your hair, baby fat goes away

Are you really going to eat all that?

If the Looking Glass

is a mirror

I'd prefer a window

so I wouldn't

have to look at this creature

who isn't me

I swear

She isn't me!

But if that's what we see

only our faults

Then I'd rather 

not see at all


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