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Complaining about a cage

You've trapped yourself in

Blaming me for everything 

That you've done to yourself

You dug yourself too deep

Of a hole this time

I'm afraid you're pulling me in too

The worst thing I've done to you

Was saying goodbye

Goodbye, old friend

No more holes, 

Or cages for me

I've found the key to my lock

While you hide yours from yourself

The worst thing I've done to you

Was saying goodbye

And I'm so glad I'm doing it

~Some times they aren't right for you, whether a date or friend, or any relationship. Especially if said other person doesn't want to help themselves and doesn't want to get better. Sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do, but in some cases to protect and care for yourself, it's necessary. Anyway, that's my rant. Take care of yourselves,


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