Chapiter 8

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Demi hadn't slept a wink all night and when she woke up she was still hugging Wilmer like she had done last night. He had finally calmed down and fallen asleep against her chest, clinging to the folds of her pyjamas. She didn't want to risk waking him so she stayed in the same position all night.

She turned off her alarm clock with one hand and then placed it directly in Wilmer's hair. He opened his eyes slowly before lifting his head and kissing Demi's chin.

- I've got to go to rehearsal today... you can stay here or go for a walk if you like... said Demi before getting out of bed.
- I can go to rehearsals with you if you don't mind... I don't really feel like going out on my own... he said with a little smile.
- thats fine, we've got to be there by 10 ... so don't dawdle... she said before slipping off to the bathroom.

- What are you doing? She said as she watched Wilmer undress before joining her in the shower.
- I'm saving time. Wilmer said, clasping his hands around Demi's waist.

After a quick shower, a much too strong coffee and some delicious scrambled eggs prepared by Wilmer, they were finally ready to leave.

Demi grabbed her handbag and her glasses and headed for the exit.

- I just wanted to thank you for yesterday... I'm sorry I broke down like that in front of you... when you're the one who's suffered the most in all this... I...
- You don't have to apologise... I'm glad you opened up. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable saying what you think and feel with me... I'll always be there for you... always.
- I love you," he said. He said, wrapping his arm around her waist.
- I love you too. She said, leaning in to kiss him languidly. Let's go! She said as she caught her breath and opened the door.


Demi and Nick had been rehearsing for over an hour and were still missing a few songs.
Wilmer was, as ever, in awe of Demi and kept making jokes during rehearsals or asking her to sing his favourite songs, which slightly annoyed Nick, who had come to work.

- You know I love it when you sing that one? asked Wilmer with dog eyes.
- Sorry, but we really need to finish our rehearsals... she could sing for you at any time, so the priority is the songs we're singing tonight. Nick said before Demi even had time to reply.
- Yes, baby. Nick's right, we're lagging behind... she said, pouting.

Wilmer remained silent throughout the rest of the rehearsals. Even when he thought Nick was getting too close to Demi. He stayed silent and swallowed his pride.

Nick had spoken to his manager this morning and had finally decided to release his song Close, which he had written a few months earlier. His manager had agreed and even suggested that he should announce it on stage tonight and sing it with Demi. But he felt embarrassed to ask her, and even more so with Wilmer watching his every move. The truth was that he had written the song with her in mind and he didn't know if he felt capable of singing it every night, and even more so with her, without her knowing anything about it. Despite his hesitations, he took the plunge and Demi congratulated him; she already loved his song and it was a successful mission for him. They had finally finished rehearsing and it was official: tonight they would be singing his song together for the very first time in front of an audience.

"It's going to be great tonight, I'm sure the audience will love it, just like I love it!" Says Demi before taking a sip of water. What do you think Wilmer?
- Oh.. Um... yes... I think it's a beautiful song. The person you were thinking of when you wrote it will for sure love it. Well done! He said as he shook Nick's hand.
- Well... it's not for anyone in particular really. Nick says, running his hand through his hair in embarrassment.
- You don't have to lie to us. Demi laughs. Not sure she'll like me singing it with you, though. She said, making a face.
- Can you stop ? says Nick annoyed.


Back on the bus, Demi and Wilmer sat down in front of the TV and decided to rest.
- Didn't you think Nick was embarrassed earlier when we were talking about his song? Wilmer asked Demi.
- Um... yeah.. maybe why?
- I don't know... what if that song was for you? He's always liked you and...
- Will. Look at him, he must have loads of target why would he write a song for me when we've been friends for 10 years.
- So you think he's hot?
- First of all, I didn't say he was hot, but yes, he's handsome and you know it. Don't put words in my mouth.
- I didn't mean to upset you... I just had a weird feeling... and now that...
- now that what?
- Nothing... maybe it's just that I can't believe someone could be so close to you and not fall in love with you. He says, trying to make up for it.
- Can we change the subject? Says Demi annoyed by Wilmer's obsession with her and Nick.

- All right... I've been thinking more and more about what I said when you left and... I think I'm ready to be a dad... maybe not immediately but...
- I'm really not in the mood to talk about something so serious... I just want to relax.
- it's always like that with you... you say I have to open up but when I talk to you about serious things and my worries you want to change the subject.
- do you really want to know what I think? I don't think we're ready to have children, our relationship is just starting to get better and I wouldn't risk endangering the life of a child.
- You're scared of me, aren't you?
- Don't you? I know you're making an effort and that you're really angry with yourself but... I can't just forget these last few months, so no, I don't want to bring a child into a climate as tense as it is at the moment. But it's not just that. I don't feel ready... I'm too young and I still have a lot I'd like to achieve.
- Do you really think I'd be able to raise a hand on you if you were pregnant?
- I don't want to believe it, but a few months ago I'd never have believed you were capable of hitting me, and yet you did
- You should have just told me you weren't ready. Wilmer said, standing up vexed.
- I thought you wanted to talk seriously.
- I wanted to, I just didn't realise how much it would hurt. He said as he grabbed his jacket and went outside to get some fresh air.

A few hours had passed and Demi was already angry about the way she'd spoken to Wilmer. She wondered where he'd gone but didn't dare to call him. Before she even picked up the phone to dial his number, she heard the keys turn in the door, and was immediately reassured.

- Hey... I thought you were never coming back. she says softly.
- I just got some fresh air and went to the gym to let off some steam. He said, putting the keys on the counter. Listen... I'm sorry about earlier , I understand that you don't feel ready and that you're still a bit scared of me... we're going to have to work on that and I know I've got a lot to show you and make up for.
- I'm the one who's sorry... I hurt you on purpose and... I... I really want things to get better between us. I see all the effort you're making and I should be making some too. She says, grabbing Wilmer's shirt and pulling him into a hug.

- Ew... you smell like sweat...
- I told you I went to the gym. he said, laughing.
- I can smell it... go and wash up!
- Or maybe we could take the opportunity to do another sports session... he says, taking off his T-shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted body.
- If you think I'm going to touch you when you're sweating like that! She says, stepping back with a smile on her face.
- You didn't mind before..." he said, approaching her and laughing.
- Ahhh! Stop! She says as he takes her in his arms and throws her onto the bed before pressing his body against hers.

They kissed languorously before catching their breath.

- So... you don't like it? Having me all sweaty and stuck to you?
- No! she says, covering her eyes. I prefer it when I make you sweat. Now go and wash up!
- OK," he said, standing up without flinching. I can't wait for you to make me sweat then. He says as he heads for the shower.

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