Chapiter 7

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When Demi left, Wilmer found it hard to get over. He was used to her going on tour but this time it was different. This time he knew that she didn't want to stay with him and that she was eager to get away and go on tour, that he wouldn't get her phone calls at night until she fell asleep or that she wouldn't call him on stage by FaceTime as she had done before. He knew that she loved him to bits or she would never have agreed to stay with him or even try couples therapy, but he knew that a lot had changed. The first few days weren't easy, but he always found a way to watch her concerts via fans' live streams or broadcasts and call in without fail during the day. Then as the weeks went by, she was less and less available and seemed closer and closer to Nick.

It was when he came across photos of the two of them in the gym bickering and eating each other's eyes that he lost control. He started drinking, even more than usual, and then looking for more photos or videos of her to find out where she was and what she was doing. The comments filled with fans dying to see them break up and her hook up with Nick drove him crazy.

That day he had heard nothing from Demi and when he watched her live concert he was no longer amazed by her performance but he dreamed of being able to teach her a lesson and advise her stylist to stop putting her in such provocative clothes. He felt humiliated and the press articles highlighting the 'NEMI' duo only aggravated this feeling. He grabbed his phone and for the first time in weeks externalized his anger by sending scathing messages to Demi. He should have written down how he felt and told her that it hurt to see his relationship trampled in the papers and not by all her fans but it was too hard for him to open up, it would be like a second humiliation. After convincing Demi that the best solution was for her to stay away and not go out after her shows, he immediately felt more confident and stronger. Their calls were becoming more and more frequent and the rumours were beginning to dissipate. But that wasn't enough, when Wilmer had learned that Demi was going on tour with Nick he had negotiated with his producer to shot as many scenes as possible and obtain almost 2 months leave to be able to join her. He couldn't wait to see her again but surprisingly he was afraid of how he might act. He was afraid of hurting her again, as he had done before and as he had done when he sent those messages. He even made an appointment with their psychologist to try to improve things and change.

When he was waiting for Demi on the bus he wasn't angry that she hadn't arrived yet, quite the opposite, he was afraid of her reaction, afraid that she wouldn't be happy to see him and afraid that she would reject him, even though she never did. In the end, the wait hadn't been too long for him and he'd been able to find his true love, who was particularly happy to see him again. He had forgotten everyone around him, even Nick, and for the first time in a long time felt like himself.

The next morning he woke up 15 minutes before Demi, giving him time to think about how he was going to tell her that he wasn't just there for a weekend, but for two months. He stroked her hair for a long time before he heard the sound of Demi stretching. He automatically smiled when he met her eyes and the two of them kissed madly.

- It's so nice to wake up in your arms. I'd missed that. Demi said as she pressed herself closer to Wilmer's naked torso.

- And you can't know how nice it is to wake up knowing you're by my side.
- So... What would you like to do today, we could visit the Museum of Illusion or the Science Museum... I've heard they're good, or if you prefer we can stay in bed all day... that's fine too. Demi said as she put on a silk dressing gown and heated the water to make coffee.

Wilmer got up to stand behind Demi and take her by the waist.
-Mhh... that museum of illusion sounds pretty good!
- Yay! I really want to visit it too. She said, taking a sip of her coffee. Let's get ready quietly and go? I've got to tell Max.

1h30 later they were already picking up their tickets and getting lost in the rooms with their illusion effects.

Love and joy reigned throughout the morning and the few visitors present could never have guessed that a few weeks ago Wilmer had raised his hand on Demi for having badly ironed one of his shirts.

After the visit, they continued their romantic day in a Thai restaurant and then, after a stroll through the streets of the city, they decided to go home.

They arrived around 4pm and were already tired from their day but Demi couldn't hide the smile on her face. It had been a magical day and it was as if they had just found each other again.

- It sucks so much that you have to leave in just 2 days..." she said sadly, resting her head on his shoulder.
- Speaking of that...
- What?
- Well... I haven't had time to talk to you about it yet but... if I've been quite busy these last few months it's because I've arranged with my producer and the whole team to shoot as many scenes as possible to be able to join you on this tour as long as possible... We've got 2 months ahead of us and then we'll only have one month left away from each other. He said, never taking his eyes off Demi.

Demi didn't know how to take this news, she was both happy and nervous. She had the impression of being reunited with him, but for the last few months she had dreamt of being as far away from him as possible for as long as possible... and in the end they were going to be glued together for most of his tour. Despite this, she jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately before exclaiming "I'm so happy, this is really going to be my best tour ever".
He smiled from the corner of his lips and laid her gently on the bed.

He slowly took off the grey T-shirt Demi was wearing, then started on her trousers and watched her for a long moment. It was as if he was admiring a Da Vinci or a Van Gogh at the Louvre. His muse was right in front of his eyes and he didn't want to lose a drop of the spectacle.

He slowly slid his hand down her neck, then down to her stomach and stopped for a moment. Demi let out a few sounds of pleasure, trying as best she could to control herself. They hadn't been this tender for so long, she hadn't enjoyed sleeping with him for so long. She wanted to savour every second of it, and so did he.

- You don't have any more bruises... said Wilmer suddenly in an almost inaudible voice.
Demi remained motionless for a few seconds. She didn't really know what to say or how to react to this. Then she got down on her knees to get closer to Wilmer and that's when he started to sob and repeat the phrase "You're not bruised any more... I'm so sorry baby... I hate myself so much for everything I've done to you" "I'm sorry" "Forgive me" "I beg you".

Demi POV

He had now collapsed to his knees on the floor and I was holding him in my arms. He had his head against the hollow of my shoulder and I could feel tears running down my skin. I wanted to cry too, but I wanted to be strong for him.

"Look at me, Will... hey... I forgive you... I forgive you... you hear me, we're going to get better, I promise".

We stayed in that position for dozens of minutes without saying a word, just holding each other and hearing our hearts beat in unison. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that I would never in my life love a man the way I loved him. I'd never put so much energy and resources into a relationship. He was the only one I wanted and the only one I'd go fight for.

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