Questions And Dares from @HelloIamCalm12

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HelloIamCalm12 asks:
Idgaf if you don't do dares but, Chips I dear you to French kiss wheezy on the lips for 3 minutes:3 and Dice break your arm ((idc how)) and go to your husba- devil and say it was an aggressive customer, :3  OH and question for the whole crew, What's your opinion on stray?. ((the silly cat game)) And question for kd minions ((and cuphead)) the most alcohol you've had in one night and why you had so much?

Chip says "Okay okay, fine."  He walked up to Wheezy who was playing poker with the customers and grabbed Wheezy's face, French kissing him, after three minutes was over Wheezy was
Wheezy "Uh.. Why'd you do that?..."
"It was a dare, but I enjoyed it." Chips said, he winked then walk away tto the bar area, leaving Wheezy speechless.

(At the bar area)
Cuphead says "Most alcohol, huh?... hmm.. I had two whole bottles which I ended up throwing up, and it was the night I heard that Elder Kettle passed away.."
One of the girls of the tipsy troop says "We're always drunk!" She almost fell on her face as the tiniest one laughed at her.
Pip says "On our wedding night we shared a bottle of white claw because we just wanted to get drunk."
Dot says "It was fun, actually!"
"When I was nine I drank a full bottle of tequila because my dad was abusive especially this night because my mom died.." Hopus Pocus said.
Phear lap says "I drank 4 full bottles to drown my sorrows and died, devil turned me into a skeleton horse that night.."
Pirouletta says "I drank a lot the night the cup boys lost their souls, I was just bored."
"Me and Mr.Chimes here, do not drink alcohol." Mangosteen said.

King Dice asked "Cuphead break my arm!"
"Why?" Cuphead asks
King Dice answered "A dare."
Cuphead says "Okay!" And throws his arm into the metal part of the counter and it broke his arm.
King Dice says "Thank you!"
"You are welcome sir!" Cuphead says

(Devil's office)
King Dice walked in " An aggressive customer broke my arm, oh shit it hurts!"
"No wait!" Dice says "I broke it, it was a dare! But it does hurt."

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