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439EmoNonbinary asks:
Hey Cuphead? Mugman? Are you sure on the devils pronouns? You should maybe ask him! Just to make sure!

Cuphead blinks with his head tilted to the right "Uhhh-" Cuphead jumps and turns to look at Mugman "MUGMAN?!"
Mugman stops cleaning the counters and looks at cuphead "Yes, Cuphead?.."
"What gender is devil?!" Cuphead asks.
Mugman sighs "Cuphead, what do you mean?"
"You know all those weird voices asking us things?!" Cuphead asks
Mugman nods "Yeah?. What about em'?"
"Well one of them asked if we really know devil's pronouns!" Cuphead exclaims.
Mugman's face had a confused expression on it "Uhh- Isn't he a man?"
"Well, that's what I've been thinkin'! BUT I've also heard people calling him ma'am so I'm very confused right now!!" Cuphead says
King Dice and the devil walk by and Cuphead runs to him "DEVIL!"
King Dice couldn't help but grin.
The devil sighs "What Cuphead?"
"Are you a boy or a girl?!" Cuphead says
The devil smirks "Guess."
"Uhh boy! No, uh- girl!" Cuphead said, starting to freak out
The devil says "Oh cuphead, cuphead, cuphead.. no matter what you say you'll be correct!"
Cuphead's expression changes into confusion "Whattya mean?"
Cuphead points his hand at the devil as a finger gun and his face slowly smiles "So I can call you a rat and won't get in trouble?.." he sounded proud of himself
"You're on thin FUCKING ice, buddy." The devil says.

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