The only problem at the moment is that he needs to get a disciple robe from somewhere since the clothes he has are all those that match Shen Jiu's, and walking around in those would attract attention.

So he may or may not break into the dormitory and steal a set of robes. It's not really stealing if he's actually going to return them, right?

It feels strange to transform to look like Zhong Da and wear the robes. At least the human form he usually takes is quite close to his last life, but this is just strange. How do these people manage all this hair?

He just ends up pulling it up into a semi-clean ponytail before deciding that it's good enough. It's more important to go meet this Shang Qinghua than to spend time doing his hair.

His journey, despite being quite nerve-wracking, went quite smoothly.

A few times he's stopped and asked why he's there and who he is and such, but he just tells them that he's delivering a message from his 'Shìzūn' to the An Ding Peak lord, and they just look at him with a displeased expression before going away.

Is it just a common personality trait for people to hate Jiu-ge? Like he's a bad person, but it's not like he did anything to these people specifically.

And now he's here, knocking on Shang Qinghua's door, or whoever this person is. He'll find out soon; he's honestly not even all that sure with how fuzzy the memories from the peak lord meeting were.

"You may enter!" a shout comes from inside. He opens the door and steps in. He doesn't immediately see Shang Qinghua, but as he walks further, he spots the man sitting by a table covered in different kinds of paperwork.

Before the clearly sleep-deprived man can even look up at him, Shen Yuan says four words just to confirm something: "Proud Immortal Demon Way."

Shang Qinghua immediately snaps to look at him, and that's all the confirmation that Shen Yuan needs. Shang Qinghua looks shocked, with wide eyes for a while before something else registers in his expression.

It looks somewhat hopeful. "Y-you've read my book, you're from Earth too?" He says it like he can't believe it.

Did this bastard just say 'my book'? That means the person in front of him is responsible for writing that piece of trash. He'd compare it to a child's writing, but that'd be insulting to children.

"You mean you're the one to blame for this trash? There are so many goddamn plot holes and inconsistencies! Honestly, where did you put your brains when you wrote this? Half of the book is sex, and the other half is bloody abuse. Have you ever learned how to stick to a genre?"

While Shen Yuan raged about the book, Shang Qinghua stared at him with a mixed look of confusion and hurt from being accused.

"...I'm a victim too! Even if I did create this world, I'm stuck as cannon fodder instead of a cool ass kicking protagonist."

"At least you're human. For me, it's dangerous to even walk around casually." He scoffed and changed his appearance to his usual human form.

Shen Yuan stares at Shang Qinghua with a glare that resembles that of Jiu-ge. Shang Qinghua, on the other hand, seems rather intimidated by the sudden change in appearance and by the glare.

Whatever Shang Qinghua seemed to be planning on saying seemed to be forgotten as he stared at him in shock before beginning again.

"Ah, right. So what was your ID on Zhongdian? Maybe I know you." He awkwardly chuckles while averting his gaze.

"Peerless Cucumber," Shen Yuan said, and a flicker of recognition danced in Shang Qinghua's eyes.

"I remember you. You were one of those who strongly advocated for the villains to be castrated, right? It was after, um, Shen Qingqiu tried to have an indecent relationship with Ning Yingying."

"Let's not speak about past events."

Shang Qinghua chuckled awkwardly. "So, what exactly are you?" Shen Yuan scoffed. "Isn't that quite rude to ask, 'what are you'? I'm Shen Yuan, and I'm a blood moon Maine Coon. You should improve your naming sense."


A small silence follows. He doesn't know what a blood moon Maine Coon is.

He wrote thousands of chapters; how is he supposed to remember what he wrote? He certainly doesn't recall writing about a shapeshifting species with that name.

"I've been living as Shen Qingqiu's cat for the meanwhile," Shen Yuan explains. He remembers the cat that Shen Qingqiu brought to the meeting.

That cute animal is this guy in front of him? It's a bit hard to believe with him glaring like that.

Shen Yuan sits in front of him, still glaring, and then suddenly smiles. "We have some things to discuss." Cucumber is quite intimidating, in his opinion.

It's a new chapter! Usually chaopters are 1000 words, this one is 1500 or smt like that.

Shen Nyan's taileजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें