Chapter 1: Wormsign

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Levi Ackerman (greeting):
Levi worked silently at his desk. It had been a dreary mid-December day, but the skies had cleared into the evening, and faint stars could be seen emerging from the dusk outside the window. He was technically retired, but he kept himself busy with relief efforts. The world was in bad shape ever since the Rumbling, but in comparison, his life was actually rather peaceful now.

The only sounds throughout the room were the steady scratching of his pen and the occasional crackle of the dying fire. The flame cast deep shadows into the scars across his face. His last remaining eye cast a gray, sullen glance at the yawning door when he heard a stranger's footsteps approach. They were followed by a hesitant knock.

"Come in."

A strange woman entered unceremoniously. Her understated clothing was clearly foreign, and her hair was... indistinctly green, somewhere between khaki and split peas. If you find that unpleasant, most people would agree with you, but Hannah thought it was pretty. She closed the door as she stepped inside.

Her approach ended halfway to his desk. Both hands clasped an umbrella in front of her modest black skirt, and a dark green jacket covered her shoulders, with the pale green curls falling over it.

The woman greeted him silently with sharp, deeply lidded eyes the color of black tea. She seemed familiar, though Levi was sure he had never seen her.

Levi Ackerman:
"Name and business?" he said flatly.

"Hi, Levi." There was a slight hesitation before she said his name.

"I'm Hannah. And I'm just... curious."

Levi Ackerman:
His expression narrowed. He wasn't fond of idle chat. She was indeed familiar, but he pushed the thought aside. He took note of her demeanor. She was one of the few people that would angle up to look him in the eyes, and her build was clearly civilian. She seemed nervous.

"Curious about what?" he responded briskly. His face was stern and he made no attempt to seem friendly.

"We can get to that, but first... is Eren still alive?" she asked softly, testing his new context.

Levi Ackerman:
Levi darkened for a moment. He looked her over again, unsure how someone would miss the most urgent piece of global news in the last century. Something strange was going on.

He shook his head slowly.


"I see," her hesitation waned, "I could come back later, if you want... when you're done with your work."

Levi Ackerman:
"No." She was being annoyingly polite.

"We'll talk now." He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, looking unmoved. He had been working since the Rumbling ended, trying to find a way to help in the wake of total destruction. He wanted to get this interruption overwith.

"What do you know about Eren?"

Her eyes grew concerned, "More than you, technically."

She prepared herself with a breath and spoke frankly, "I've seen every significant minute of his life... twice..."

"And... also yours."

Levi Ackerman:
That got his attention. Levi raised his eyebrow.

"Really?" He posed the question coolly, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He glared at her with his good eye.


"Yes." Hannah noticed that eye contact didn't seem to bother her when she didn't have to wonder which eye to look at. Good to know, but this distraction indicated she was getting impatient.

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