"What? What he did?" I ask also slightly concerned now.

"I'll come pick you up soon and you'll see for yourself." He hangs up.

"What happened?" Niall turns to me and asks after he beat Liam. Again.

"Zayn will pick me up soon because he wants to show me something."

I knew not to leave these two idiots alone. Now, knowing life, I'll probably have to clean up all this mess after them.

While I'm waiting for Zayn, the guys keep playing the video game and trying not to upset me even more. I walk from one wall of the room to the other. Fucking Harry Styles. He's an idiot.

Just when I think that walking back and forth will make a hole in the floor, my friend sends me a text message that he is already waiting outside.

"Okay guys, I'm going. Pray that I don't murder these two idiots." I say and then I leave Niall's room and quickly walk in front of the house to Zayn's car.

"Hi." I say as I get into the front seat.


I glance at my friend behind the wheel. Jesus, what happened to make him look so absent?

"What happened?" I ask.

"Harry seems to be trying to kill your father."

I just look at Zayn and when he doesn't get any response from me, he starts the engine and starts driving.

"Wait... But seriously?" I speak up after a while.

"Yes, seriously. Louis what the fuck did you do with him?"

"Why what did I do with him? I didn't do anything." I defend myself.

"Louis, don't pretend. Harry was a sweet, shy boy when he first came here, and now this idiot is pretending to be a fucking mafia boss." Zayn tells me in an accusatory tone.

I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it, Harry actually used to be more calm and everything. Now I see that he has changed. He changed because of me.

"Fuuuuuck...." I sigh, resting my head on the car seat. "How fucked are we?"

"Very much fucked... But I hope Harry doesn't do anything stupid."

Damn it, I let him join this job. What possessed me to let him do this?

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask.

"Some abandoned building, I think it used to be a factory, but I don't know."

Harry fucking Styles... You are so fucked, mate.


Once we're there, Zayn and I sneak inside quietly, making sure no one hears us.

We wanted to hide in some boxes, but the sight I saw made me unable to move.

My sweet boyfriend is currently pointing a gun at my father who is tied to a chair. Where did he even get a gun?


Harry turns his head towards me and Zayn who is standing next to me. I can tell he wasn't expecting us because his eyes widen when he sees us.

"Zayn are you fucking insane? The fuck is he here?" My boyfriend asks my friend who is standing next to me.

Does he really think Zayn would just let him kill my father?

"Better question is why the fuck are you holding a gun pointed at his father?!" Zayn asks concerned.

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