Untitled Part 22

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Dare didn't wanna be seen as just a accessory on a jock guy's arm.


After a week filled with doing homework.

Dare had a project he had to do.

It was basically what kind of care would a patient need based on what the list of synonyms they have.

A simple project that Dare just finished.

"My best friend is coming over. "Said Ryker.

Dare has never met this person but it was someone Ryker knew before he went to their high school.

He has seen photos before.

The friend was staying over for two days.

The next day there was a knock on the door.

This short girl was at the door, she had long hair and wore what looked like a gym goth style of dress.

"We have all kind of personality items you might need unless you don't need them ."Said Dare.

"Okay. "Said Wynona .

"Okay. "Said Dare.

She had this backpack with her and a suitcase.

The backpack had all of these pins on it.

Crow came home and had his friend Keila here.

"You must be Wynona. Said Crow.

"I am. "Said Wynona.

Then Crow said "That's Ryker's friend."

"I didn't know your brother's boyfriend had a attractive best friend."

"Thank you. "Said Wynona.

Birds and Tree rewriteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ