Untitled Part 20

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Time jump to a month later.

Dare was at one of the basketball games because Ryker was playing.

Ryker was able to get tickets since he on the team and always get one for Dare.

Dare was sitting down wearing the only pieces of school merch he had a tee shirt and a hoodie.

Dare was sitting next to a friend of his.

Dare only making noises when Ryker make a basket.

Someone from the other team pushed Ryker and it took everything in Dare to not leap out of his seat and pushed them.

Ryker got up and the guy got in his face again.

Ryker remained calm and collected.

That guy tried to trip him and was taken out of the game.

He didn't like that.


He tried to say something after the game but was meet with Ryker ignoring him.

Ryker was hanging out with some of his teammates.

He invited Dare to come because he likes sharing stuff he's into with Dare also he loves hanging out with him plus Dare has invited him to stuff he was into.

When the guys saw Dare one of them said "So this is the guy we keep hearing about it."

Dare looked at Ryker.

"Yeah this is him."

Ryker explained how these guys weren't homophobic.

Also one of those guys was also gay.

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