Untitled Part 6

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Halloween was coming up.

Halloween for the Liu family was something.

Since the family has six kids and the youngest three are close in age that meant a lot of matching costumes and a lot of fixing Crow's costume for him.

From Pokémon when they were little in the early two thousands to Power Rangers in the late two thousands, Crow was the pink ranger since pink is his favorite color.

But then they got older.

Crow wanted to dress up as princesses and Dare wanted to dress as vampires and monsters.

 Last year for Halloween they dressed up as each other.

First time Dare wore a tennis skirt and a lot of pink and first time Crow wore a lot black .

But they painted their faces to look like undead monsters.

Now they are at a costume store.

Ryker and Rama were with them also looking for costumes.

Crow also was checking his phone to see if he got hired at the job he applied for.

He applied to work at bookstore with it's own coffee shop. 

He applied to work at the coffee shop also lucky for him Rama also works in the building but in the bookshop part.

Also Rama does own a car but it's a used one, his bike is what he uses most.

Right now they were looking for costumes.

"That could work." Said Crow.

When Halloween arrived.

Kyro was dressed up as a Chinese superhero.

Him and his friends are dressing up as Superheroes inspired by their different cultures.


Dare is dressed as a vampire.

Someone made a comment about Ryker's costume and the fact that a black guy is dressed as a werewolf(he has a flannel shirt on those.)

His respond was to mention all the issues with a black guy dressing up as a vampire then he said "Dare likes vampires."

That shut them up.

Crow met up with his friends.

Well Keila had news that seemed bad until she gave her reasons.

"I broke up with my girlfriend."


"She cheated ."

"That sucks and you don't need her ."


"I have a boyfriend now. "Said Jen.

"Awesome. "Said Dare.

"What does he look like . "Said Jerica- Indian American, pansexual, has a girlfriend, dresses in trad goth meets punk fashion.

 Jen showed a photo.

"He works at a record store. "Said Jen.

Birds and Tree rewriteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ