••● Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything ●••

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In a neighborhood far from the big cities, in a square surrounded by trees, I was sitting on a swing with a sketchbook in my hands, a hardcover notebook, my favorite type, as it allowed me to draw anywhere without me depended on a table. I was always good at drawing animals and human beings, but I couldn't draw good scenes that complemented my art. There, in the midst of so much nature, was where I trained that part that I still needed to learn. Because it was a rural place, nothing interrupted me, I analyzed every detail of the nature around me with undisturbed calm, as it was an almost unpopulated place.
As I looked closely at the leaves on the trees trying to draw them, I saw something in the sky, something shining. I believed it was nothing more than any balloon, reflecting sunlight. I got up to look from another position and try to understand what that could be, when I saw that the "thing" suddenly started to move almost like a fly, going from one side to the other, then descending to about 70 meters. tall and standing there for a few moments, when suddenly, it disappeared. I believed that it really was a balloon, moved suddenly by a sudden current of wind that had perhaps acted only on it. I had to accept that it was really a balloon, as it seemed to have burst, disappearing without a trace, however, I didn't hear any noise, it was as if it had simply decided to no longer exist, from one second to the next.
I returned the next day to the same place. I didn't remember what I had seen in the sky, I was trying to concentrate on drawing the scenes when I realized that I couldn't divert my attention in any direction other than that forest. I was extremely curious to know what the inside was like, but the idea of ​​going in there and seeing what it was like had never crossed my mind before. Why then, did I find myself so dominated by an insatiable desire to explore the forest there? I didn't know how to answer either, I just left my drawing materials there and moved in that direction without thinking twice. Its trees gave me space to pass, I walked slowly through its interior. As it was a sparsely populated neighborhood, I didn't expect to see anyone there, but I was surprised. There was a young woman dressed in a tight white outfit, similar to a diver's or a surfer's outfit, but it had emblems, symbols like you see on the uniforms of important people, it seemed to be made of a soft material and was slightly shiny; on the side of each of her shoulders there was a symbol of the planet Earth, surrounded by stars, on the part of the garment that covered her throat there was the symbol of two blue hearts each facing one side; on top of them was a green one, making the whole form something like a three-leaf clover; her hair was long, straight and blue like the sky, just as her boots also had that same celestial color, they were thick and apparently soft, they resembled those of an astronaut; on his back, only his pale hands were not covered by the costume. She looked younger, I thought she was lost. What would someone that age be doing in the woods and alone? I couldn't question too much, I myself shouldn't be entering a place I didn't know, driven by pure curiosity.
I approached slowly, which wasn't easy due to the noisy leaves and branches on the ground. I didn't want to scare her, but I also didn't know what to say if she saw me, I used to be known in my family as someone who was a bit shy and not sociable, but I was acting almost in an automatic mode, taking action without stopping to think twice. I had the impression that her presence gave me a feeling of peace and tranquility, as well as confidence, courage, and carelessness.
I stopped next to her, predetermining that she was just a naive girl, the one who could talk silly and ask questions of a juvenile nature. I observed her, who in turn, barely seemed to have noticed my presence there beside her, as if she was quite distracted by something. She observed the clouds in the sky with extraordinary charm and tranquility. Everything was very calm. The wind blew through the trees, gently swaying their branches and leaves to the sound of the birds singing melodiously.
I looked at this sweet girl, who had a peaceful look on her face. She moved very slowly, blinked slowly and breathed at an extremely calm pace. I watched her, admired by her tranquility and also, by her beauty, her eyes were vivid blue tones.

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