Mirror Mirror

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This poem kinda reflects what I've been feeling. It might also be what some creepypastas feel. Don't agree? That's okay. I'll try to update soon.

Mirror Mirror,

Tell me why,

The thing you reflect I despise.

Mirror Mirror,

Is it true,

That what's reflected isn't you.

Mirror Mirror,

I despise,

The person you reflect in my eyes.

Mirror Mirror,

I can't lie,

This horrible reflection kills me inside.

Mirror Mirror,

You seem to say,

This reflection is what makes me pay.

Mirror Mirror,

So tall and true,

Why do you show me the things you do?

Mirror Mirror,

Do you know that what I see,

Is the person I least want to be.

Mirror Mirror,

Do you know why,

This reflection causes me to cry.

Mirror Mirror,

Don't you know,

I hate you for what you show.

Mirror Mirror,

Now broken and shattered,

Your small pieces still show the matter.

Mirror Mirror,

Your everywhere,

Showing me my own despair.

Mirror Mirror,

Can you see,

That the horrible reflection is me?

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