Tick tock~Clockwork

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I think its time.

Tick tock.

The clock echcos through out the house.

Check the time and run all you may.

But time always catches up to you every day.

Hours. Senconds. Minutes. Days.

All wasting your life away.

Tick. Tock.

It seems your time is up.


Something you can never escape from.

Its always there.

Echoing the time left in your ear.

People choose to go astray.

Trying to keep time away.

I find it amusing watching them pray.

Tick tock.

It seems you're completely out of time.

Your life is on the line.





As fast as you can. You cant stop time.

I'll find you and hold you down.

And whisper in your ear,

"Your time is up~"

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