She cried silently. Was it worth it? This criminal life isn't something she'd ever wish upon anyone but desperation! The desperation to have a better life was so hard to resist, especially when poverty had taken everything away from her. It took her father first, then her mother took away her sister because of that.

She didn't even want to look at the deep wound on her palm. The glass had cut too deep. She rummaged through her bag to find something to stop the bleeding, unbeknownst to her that someone stood behind her until a stick struck the back of her head.

The next to go was Chichi. She was heavier to lift but Collins didn't dare complain. Just like Vee it was an excruciating pain to get across. To give the boys a boost Collins joined both of his hands together. Bolaji set one foot on his hands. “Now.” Collins lifted him up. Bolaji was smart enough to reach for the extreme end of the wall even though the glass still poked his wrist. He stretched his other leg as if to bring it over the wall but instead used it to smash the glass there to create any kind of space before setting his other hand on it, effectively lifting himself on top of the wall before jumping down.

With that opening Raman had something to hold onto when Collins lifted him. It helped that he had experience manoeuvering over fences. Eze did the same and then it was left with Collins and Akin.

Collins was getting antsy. The police had started shooting randomly inside and would soon be inside the compound.

“Help me up.” Akin said quickly.

“Who's going to help me up after this?” Collins fidgeted. “No man gets left behind, guy.”

“Ah are you stupid? See wetin you drag us for. All on top of something we don't know the reason for. If I slap you here you'll help me up. Just thunder fire you, guy. You think say you get sense.” Akin hissed loudly. He grabbed a dirty rag he saw sitting by the window sill and used it to wrap around his palm tightly. 

Collins bent down on all fours, he climbed on his back and easily grabbed the edge of the wall. He pulled his weight up before swiftly bringing his upper body over and jumped down.

“Oya oya let's—”

Vee and Chichi were tied up and gagged, bodies limp on the ground as Black dragged their bodies away.

“Long time no see.” White grinned. “Surprise? What will the Englishman say? Shooked to see me here bah?”

Akintoye was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't even open his mouth to speak, not even when Client G was shouting for him to help him out of the house. His only consolation was the gun behind his jeans. It seems he'll have to rely on it once more. “How'd you find me?”

Two other guys Akin was familiar with put sacks over Bolaji, Eze and Raman's faces. Compared to these people Bolaji's strength would do him little. They were all tied up and gagged but not unconscious yet.

Akin was about to be sick. They only brought out sacks if it meant heads were going to roll.

“Is that a question?” White circled him like a prey. “But anyways I'll answer sha. It was just too easy. We hear from police that one robber killed one woman somewhere. That was the first clue. You know say Jackie get one guy from the police. We queried him but it was a cold case. Until last night we come get one call to meet here. The guy said he will deliver you for a price.” To that White laughed.

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