Chapter 19

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Tony woke up to a shifting on the bed. Cool arms were wrapped around his waist, his back pressed flush against Rudolph’s front. He opened his eyes slowly and glanced over to see his pale boyfriend holding him. His face was resting against the back of his neck, the vampire’s breaths coming in slow and steady. 

The blond smiled at his sleeping boyfriend as he shifted backwards, further into his arms. He blushed when he felt Rudolph’s morning hardness brush against his rear, hearing a soft moan push past the immortal’s lips. 

Tony’s heart jumped when he heard an urgent knock at the door that woke Rudolph. He breathed in sharply and turned to the blond with wide, fearful eyes. They hadn’t bothered to lock the door. 

“I’m coming in, brother! You had better not be naked or something in there!” a shrill voice rang out. “Not that you would be,” she added, which made Tony snort, then cover his mouth for fear of the vampire on the other side hearing. He looked over at Rudolph, who was quite naked, as it happened. 

The vampire swatted the back of Tony’s head, then shoved him under the covers as the doorknob turned. Beneath the duvet, the blond began to panic, knowing that whoever had just entered the room would surely notice the body shaped lump beside Rudolph. 

“Anna!” Rudolph shouted, shifting in the bed to cover the mortal. “Why are you in here? You know you shouldn’t be bothering me while I’m still asleep.”

“Apologies,” she said sarcastically, and Tony could almost hear her braid being tossed across her back. “Mother and father want you to come down to meet some old family friends that have just flown in from Romania… w-what… what’s that ?”

Tony’s heart leapt to his throat. He tried to remain as still as possible. “What’s what?” Rudolph tensed against the blond, his voice squeaking slightly. 

“That… that thing behind you… behind your back.” 

“I… don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied with feigned confusion. 

“Oh, seriously, Rudolph! There’s obviously something… someone behind you! They’re under the blanket!”

“Really, Anna, if I were hiding someone beneath here, how dumb do you think I’d have to be?”

“I can see them breathing!”

Tony poked Rudolph sharply, hinting that Anna would not leave until she received an explanation. The vampire took notice and sighed, leaning protectively against the blond. “If you must know, I have been consorting with vampires from other clans like Father expected. And he’s awfully shy, so I wouldn’t make a huge fuss about this if I were you. His father would be very unhappy if he heard that an irresponsible vampire like me was dating his son… it could lead to a very rough few decades. So if you’ll keep a secret, the clans will be happy, and I won’t tell our father how you were trying to get off with Tony Thompson at my birthday party. Are we clear, dear sister?”

The room went silent before Anna cleared her throat awkwardly, shuffling on the floor. “I… uhm, I’ll tell them you’ll be downstairs in ten minutes. You look like you could use some clothes.”

Tony heard the door slam and he peeked his head out of the covers before coming to wrap an arm around his vampire’s bare waist from behind. “I am quite shy,” Rudolph snickered as the blond teenager leaned in and pressed a kiss to his pale back. He ran a hand up his icy chest, hearing him moan underneath his touch. “I think I prefer you without clothes, by the way,” he whispered into Rudolph’s ear, hearing a deep chuckle erupt in his throat. He smiled, but it quickly faded when something dawned on him. 

A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE) RUDONY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now