The two packed up a small blue car Tony had purchased with some of Rookery’s money and drove off towards the Sackville-Bagg castle, with Rudolph in the backseat, covered from the sun by a thick blanket. The blond teenager realized when they entered the large stone building that it was a bed and breakfast; owned by a sweet old human couple. They understood why Tony needed to be hidden from the vampires, and were nice enough to bring him meals each day. They were just excited to be serving a mortal guest for once. It was easy for Tony to bring up all the boxes of his belongings; he did it during the day while every vampire was asleep. He didn’t have very much anyway: a box full of books, another of clothes, and a few more with tools, blankets, and his keepsakes from beneath the floorboards under his bed. 

Rudolph had been awake the entire time, watching intently as Tony finished unpacking his things. When he had placed the last few items of clothing in a set of drawers, the vampire flew up behind him and snaked an arm around his waist. The blond giggled and leaned his head back against his boyfriend as the immortal laid his head on his shoulder. Tony felt a soft kiss on his neck, and he sighed, turning to fold his arms around the vampire. Their lips met softly, shifting together with ease. Rudolph moaned as Tony bit his bottom lip and pressed his tongue into the dark haired boy's mouth. 

The immortal pushed the blond so his back hit the dresser, placing his hands on Tony’s hips. Tony ran a hand through his black spikes, tightening his grip and moaning when he felt a light prick of fangs. Tony had dipped his head down to kiss the teenager’s neck when suddenly he felt Rudolph push him away. 

“Wait- I- wait a second,” he said, cupping Tony’s cheeks in his cool hands. Tony smiled softly and turned his head to place a delicate kiss on Rudolph’s open palm, provoking a stuttered breath to escape his boyfriend’s lips. Tony looked up into deep maroon eyes that glinted even in the low light. Rudolph pressed his forehead against the mortal’s, breathing gently against his lips. “Tony, I—” he inhaled deeply and stroked his thumb along his jaw. 

“It’s alright. You can tell me anything,” Tony whispered. Rudolph continued to run his hands along the blond’s cheeks, causing him to blush. 

“Ever since the day I met you, Tony, I’ve known you were the one I wanted,” he began, drawing a shaky breath until the boy calmed him by wrapping an arm around his waist. “I have been with a few vampires romantically over the centuries, but you are the one that has truly been there for me, and you have been the one that has cared for me like no others have done before… not even my family. 

“Darling, I know I’m not supposed to feel love, but Tony Thompson,” he paused, looking at him through thick lashes. He brought his hands downward to hold Tony’s and gave them a quick squeeze before continuing, Tony’s heart beating out of his chest. “I love you.”

Those three words came like a wave of cool relief passing over the blond’s body. The vampire loved him. His vampire loved him. Tony bit his lip, trying not to smile so widely, but failing miserably in the process. He wasn’t complaining however, because Rudolph blushed deeply at the sight of his expression, his fangs peeking out past his upturned lips. The blond teenager chuckled and leaned his forehead against Rudolph’s. He brought his mouth to the vampire’s, letting go of his hands to wrap his arms around his boyfriend’s shoulders again. When they parted, Rudolph was panting against his lips. 



“Say it again,” Tony whispered, his voice crumbling when he caught the glimmer of- was it relief? in Rudolph’s dancing eyes. 

“I love you.”


“I love you.”

The blond kissed Rudolph so intensely that he coaxed a moan from deep in the immortal’s throat. “Again,” he whispered, pulling away. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears that yearned to spill down his glowing cheeks. 

A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE) RUDONY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now