"What are you..." he began, trailing off as Rudolph plucked a flower from the earth. He twirled the tiny violet between his fingers, biting his lip as he glanced up at the blond through thick black eyelashes.

"Here," he whispered, the vampire's fangs showing through his small smile. Tony breathed in sharply as his friend tucked the flower behind his ear, brushing the blond's cheek softly as he did so. He could feel his cheeks burning while Rudolph took his hand gently, lifting them off into the sky once more.

Touching down on the carpet of his own room, Tony said a short, embarrassed goodbye to the immortal, who let go of the blond's hand slowly, reluctant to break away. Glancing at the rising sun, he took off through the window. But before he did, he looked back at the teenager and smiled, which made his stomach do cartwheel.

"W- wait!" Tony abruptly stuttered as Rudolph turned back towards the sky. He raised an eyebrow ardently, silently assuring the blond. "Uhm- would you like your jacket back? I know you left in a hurry before and I never had the chance to return it. I'm sorry you weren't able to have it for so long I feel so bad about taking it-"

"Keep it for now," Rudolph cut his rambling off. "I certainly don't need it, and, well, it suits you wonderfully."

"I-it does?" Tony murmured.

Rudolph smirked softly, his magnificent maroon eyes twinkling in the dim light. "It goes with your eyes. As well as the flower."

And with that, he pushed off the windowsill into the night, with Tony nervously toying with the violet as his cheeks burned red and his heart beat wildly out of control.

Once the vampire had gone, Tony crawled under his covers, shivering. Why, why hadn't he said anything? He was so sure Rudolph felt the same way now, and he wasn't doing a thing about it. He was so stupid to think he could ever possibly tell Rudolph how he felt.

Tony groaned, rolling over onto his back, staring at the ceiling. He felt for the tiny violet, plucking it out from behind his ear. Tony laid it down on the nightstand next to his bed, turning his head so he could gaze at the beautiful flower as he drifted off to sleep, thinking only of the vampire. That amazing, beautiful, wonderful, courageous, alluring vampire he knew now that he was in love with.


Rudolph began to visit more and more. Not that he hadn't been visiting a lot before, but he came nearly every night, talking to the blond until he fell asleep, watching him do homework, or taking him out flying. It had become such a regular occurrence that Tony almost forgot how infatuated he was with his friend. Almost.

He couldn't help blushing each time Rudolph delicately touched him, soft fingertips caressing his skin. He loved the deep lilac blush that crept up Rudolph's neck when he saw the blond wearing his jacket, making him feel more courageous in front of the boy he loved.

Even when he was disappointedly returning Rudolph's jacket weeks later, he felt a flutter in his chest when his fingers brushed with his friend's. Sometimes Tony could even feel like they were dating, maybe not kissing, but they held hands more than most couples probably did. It still hurt terribly to wake up in the morning with the vampire gone. He hated the empty feeling in his gut, not seeing him there when he opened his eyes.

But tonight, Tony was going to try and make Rudolph stay, for real this time. And he was a bundle of nerves as he tried to think of the right moment to tell his friend how much he loved him.

Gliding through the window the blond had just opened, Rudolph grinned at Tony, silently touching his feet to the floor. "Hello mortal! Would you like to go flying tonight?"

A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE VAMPIRE) RUDONY [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now