France, 8/24/1799.

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I had to pull this one out of my ass (aka my friend had to pull that one out of their ass) bc i asked them) but just bare with me please

Alexander was in his home yk looking at himself in the mirror, gettin' ready to look fire asf at the signing of the Declaration of Independence..until suddenly there was something off about his mirror, it had this rippling effect that he started to get very annoyed and irritated of. 'Oh this damn mirror.' He then wipes the mirror with his arm thinking it was a damn stain or smth which he was wrong, it was a portal. And so, he falls through the mirror 'Ah!- WHAT??' He yelled as he was fucking shocked at what was happening, he then was plopped down to France in 1799, right after Napoleon left Egypt aka his first failure ig. The young 22 man was in the heart of Europe?! He walked around obviously confused about why he was in France, he bumped into a French man who wasn't happy at the moment 'Regardez où vous allez! (watch where you're going!)' the French man scolds Hamilton, obviously pissed off at something. 'désolé monsieur, je ne regardais pas.' Hamilton said politely (and maybe femininely too idk) as he brushed off the dust from his 'tally Ho!' looking ahh pants 😭🙏🏾‼️(btw here's a fact! Hamilton spoke French because he had to be sent off to France I think 18 to do some military stuff) The French man took a glance at Hamilton and had a slightly shocked look on his face 'es-tu. Alexander Hamilton ?!... si tu ne vas pas bien, tu lui resembles beaucoup! (are you..Alexander Hamilton?!... if you're not well you look a lot like him!)' The French man said with a slight hint of shock in his thick accented voice as he spoke.

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