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Taehyung felt way better when he fluttered his eyes open the next morning. He could now breathe through both nostrils, and there was no raging headache when he opened his eyes and blinked in the low light of morning. 

And he wasn't too hot or too cold, either. In fact, he was the most comfortable he had been in a long time. He relished in the feeling as he looked up.

Jungkook was still asleep, mouth slightly parted as his cheek was squished to the board. Taehyung wanted to still be mad at him, and wanted to regret forgiving the other, but how could he when Jungkook did the little things that made it seem like he cared.

Right now, both of Jungkook's arms were encircling Taehyung's waist, pulling Taehyung impossibly close to his chest. 

He looked so cute and innocent, and the position made Taehyung blush. Taehyung was mad at himself and his irrational heart for having these kinds of feelings for his enemy, for he knew he would just end being hurt, but he couldn't help himself.

He had been stuck with Jungkook for two weeks, and even though Jungkook had barely done the bare minimum, the close proximity was getting to Taehyung's head.(A/N It's called mere-exposure effect in psychology. I am supposed to be studying for that AP exam right now, so might as well as apply the terms to the story.)

And Taehyung had to begrudgingly admit that Jungkook did have the looks and a good sense of humor, when he wasn't being a moody little brat.

Taehyung was interrupted from his reverie when Jungkook let out a low groan, flexing his body against Taehyung's before relaxing again, now with his head buried into Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung froze, feeling the warm breath of Jungkook on his nape. Taehyung's stiff demeanor was the exact opposite of what was going on inside, where Taehyung was travelling down to his stomach with a baseball bat to beat up the butterflies that were throwing a party because those butterflies definitely weren't allowed to be there.

This went on for about ten minutes(Taehyung, in fact, could NOT get rid of the butterflies), until Jungkook woke up.

He unclasped his hands sleepily from Taehyung and rolled onto his back, stretching his hands above his head and opening his bleary eyes.

He looked around for a moment before locking eyes with Taehyung.

"Morning, cap'n. What's our agenda for today? Oh wait, more importantly, are you feeling better now?"

And Taehyung nearly came. How had he not noticed how deep, and husky, and hoarse, and hot, and-- anyways, Jungkook's voice was in the mornings? It shot warm little tingles down his entire body. 

And since when did Jungkook not care that he was cuddling Taehyung. Did this mean that Jungkook didn't hate him anymore? Taehyung didn't want to get his hopes up, and yet that was exactly what he was doing.

Jungkook, noticing how zoned outTaehyung seemed to be, sat up and waved his hands across Taehyung's face. When this did nothing, he raised his hand and slapped Taehyung across his right cheek, which woke Taehyung right up from his daze.

"What the heck, Jeon? What was that for?"

"Phew. I thought you were still sick for a second. You aren't though, which is relieving."

Taehyung ignored the fact that Jungkook's relief made it seem like he cared and glared at the boy, who had flopped back onto the deck and was staring vacantly up at the blue sky.

"Whatever," he muttered childishly, before getting out the peanut butter jar and some shark jerky for the two of them, as well as the half full water bottle.

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