Chapter 11: Hawk Eyes

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After the spar the rest of your day was largely uneventful. Hack had come to you with a time line for the engagement and wedding ceremony, and aside from being a little surprised that it was already an item for discussion, you had nothing against the parameters provided. You'd expected when you'd been sent to the palace that you weren't going to have a say in how quickly things did, or did not go. Being asked for your opinion was already a courtesy beyond what you had expected.

You only saw the Duke during dinner, and the conversation was engaging and polite. You reassured him about the time line that Hack had brought to your attention and reiterated you didn't have any concerns with it. He asked more questions about the sword style you used, and surprisingly offered to let you practice your magic alongside it, if you were so inclined.

Which was far easier than you trying to decide when to broach the subject.

"I'm grateful that your grace is so supportive." You admit with a smile. "It's a little jarring comparatively."

The smile he gives you in return is cheerful. "You're exceptionally skilled, holding you back for any reason would be silly. My preference is that you're more skilled as a Guardian than a Sword, but whatever the end result is, I will not be dissatisfied."

"Why the preference for a Guardian?" There's no hostility in your voice. It's hard to consciously decide what category one would fall into. It almost came down to the individual's natural affinities. Fire could be defensive, but it was more offensive. Water and wind were versatile, but earth was almost entirely a defensive manner of magic.

Divine magic was controlled by the Empires, and anyone born with an affinity for it rarely found freedom among the masses. Advanced Divine magic couldn't pack the searing punch of ice or lightning, but it was unmatched in utility, and the only magic that could truly heal a person. Saints, however, rarely left the holy lands of Mary Geoise, being available almost exclusively for the Celestial Dragons and no one else.

"Myself aside, I already have seven Swords in my ranks, and one decidedly overworked Guardian." He explains nonchalantly. "We make it work, but it would be a boon to-."

"You're saying I could defend the northern border?" You interject, eyes wide in disbelief.

Sabo blinks. "I... yes, if you want to. I won't force you."

The strange feeling in your chest is certainly relief, but you don't know what to do with it. You set your cutlery down and cover your mouth with a napkin, lowering your head. You can feel the tears coming, and there's no time for you to leave, so you're just trying to keep it to yourself.

"... My lady, I promise I won't make you do anything you don't want." Sabo says softly, voice wrapped in compassion.

You shake your head, taking a moment to compose yourself. You might not have been able to stop the tears from falling, but you didn't want to sound wretched when you weren't feeling that way at all.

"My apologies, your grace, I just, have always wanted to do so." You manage, dabbing away the tears at your eyes as the rush of emotions pass. "It's been a stressful time since I left Lulusia, I promise I'm much better at containing my emotions than this, but this is some of the best news I've heard in years."

Sabo brightens considerably. "Good then, I'm - er - happy to have been of assistance, but you needn't guard your emotions here. Well, no, I won't mandate you act a specific way, but you won't displease me with a show of emotion. Stoicism may be prized among nobility, but there are only a few times when it's useful."

"I will keep that in mind, your grace." You incline your head, a soft smile still on your lips. Not only was the Duke willing to let you hone your favorite skill, but he was also willing to bring you on border expeditions.

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