Chapter 7: The Grand Duke... ?

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You arrived without incident at Aquilegia, the town that was nearest the Duke's estate, and under his protection, and were greeted by two different, but kind, individuals.

One was a young lady who couldn't be much older than you. She was dressed in clean and crisp traveling clothes, that looked more functional than fashionable, but they fit her well. Short orange hair and deep blue eyes greeted you with a bright smile.

The other was an older gentleman who appeared to be a fishman. You knew of minks and fishmen, though you'd never seen either race directly until now. You were read up on other tribes as well, but the Nusjuro Empire wasn't home to much variety. The coastal cities probably saw more diversity than Lulusia or Goa ever would.

He had mottled yellow skin, grey hair and mustache, and a frill along his jaw were a beard would usually grow. He was also in more practical traveling clothes, but there was more fashion in his than his younger companion's.

"You must be Lady Lulusia." The younger lady says, curtsying before stepping forward. "My name is Koala, I'm the head maid, and this is Hack. He's the head butler."

Hack bows. "We're here to assist you with your things and see you to the estate." He states evenly. Where there's energy and a bright smile with Koala, he seems to be strictly business.

You can appreciate both approaches.

You look around a little, and notice it really is just the two of them. It could be that the smaller northern town has less crime than the capital, and armed knights wouldn't be needed. It could also be a continuation of the trend of disrespect from the King and Crown Prince.

"Is this really everything?" Koala asks, looking at the three trunks you had with you.

Smiling warmly you nod. "I had spent several years as my cousin's lady-in-waiting, and my Uncle and I had agreed I would only take what I needed on the long journey between Lulusia and Goa."

"Long journey, but the tele-urk!" Koala grimaced as Hack stepped on her foot. His action had been smooth enough you'd almost missed it, but it seemed his younger counterpart was more animated than he was.

"I imagine the peace and quiet were enjoyable." Hack offers, easily lifting two of the heavy trunks.

"It... was, indeed. A wonderful opportunity for introspection." You agree, quickly composing yourself. You'd heard that fishmen were naturally stronger than humans, but the magnitude of that difference was impressive to see. Hack was carrying the trunks as though they weighed no more than a tray of snacks.

Magic aptitude was a little more rare among them, and almost unheard of among the giants, so far as you had read. You doubt that it was actually rare, so much as it was likely just underdeveloped. With other attributes geared toward their survival, it was just more likely that they hadn't cultivated magic to the degree humans had.

Human magic was different from the force the beasts in the wilds wielded, even if the source of it all was the same. Even among humans, specialized magics varied so wildly from one person to the next, if they even reached the pinnacle to unlock it in the first place, that oftentimes it was hard to even see it as magic.

Magic was potential, and every living being had potential.

Koala took care of your third trunk, putting it up on its wheels and dragging it as you had expected Hack to do in the first place with the other two.

"There's a carriage just outside, m'lady," she begins. "It's just a couple hours from here to the estate, but don't worry. The carriage is one of the most comfortable ones the Duke owns. It's even enchanted to stay warm."

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