Chapter 40: Esdeath x Jin

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He presses a button and a lot of machinery and equipment come out. Jin pulls out a grindstone and starts polishing and sharpening the rapier. Esdeath takes a look around and sees some test tubes and chemicals. She attempts to touch one, but a flying claw blade passes her finger and she backs off.

Jin: Do not touch that. I specifically added multiple DANGER symbols so people like Mine or my old friend Sheele wouldn't drink it.

Esdeath: What is it?

Jin: Something about a serum that can enhance performance. Since barely any human can put in the work to become an Earthen Spirit, or fight like one, I'm giving them a little something so they can get somewhat good like us. Never actually like us, but just enough for the war and so we can head back.

Esdeath: And Jin, I have one question for you.

Jin: Yes? What?

Esdeath: Why do you hate humans?

He stops the grindstone and flings the sword down onto the ground with enough force, it causes a crack in the floor.

Jin: Do you really want to know?

Esdeath: Yes.

Jin: Alright. You always make selfish decisions at some point. Granted you're not like us, but those decisions can be horrendously stupid and wrong. Like Mine making fun of Tatsumi or anyone else. She acts like she's above everyone when in reality, she can't even hope to manage us. Even her endgame goal is selfish, only wanting to be rich and famous!

Esdeath: That's a typical goal, and not bad. She'll be at the top of the food chain.

Jin: And Sheele, I don't know how she can kill easily, but suck at everything else! Even Najenda attempted to beat us up when Jun was wondering something harmless! Everyone has a dark side. Why bother making friends if their dark side will overrule it some point?

Esdeath: But haven't you made friends with Tatsumi? That blond, Akame, and Kurome, and Wave?

Jin: Listen, I'm only friends with Wave for my own benefit.

Esdeath: You'd be surprise how much friendship can change people. Look at Kurome. She used to not want to share her food with anyone.

As she opened a window, Kurome was walking to Wave, who was back from fishing some food. She got some normal cookies and gave him some.

 She got some normal cookies and gave him some

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Kurome: I brought these along with me, Wave. Want one?

Wave: Thanks, Kurome.

Esdeath: I remember when she would only talk to me. But look at her now. And, Najenda told me about you. You value Tatsumi and Akame and Leone just as much as your brother.

Jin: Are you sure you're one to talk about change? You're still this Social Darwinist who only lives off of Strong over Weak.

Esdeath: Yes, but only fools work alone. You said it yourself. If you're talking about the Jaegers, yes. I have grown to care for them. I'm even starting to let go of my creed for them by helping them personally. Give them more chances, and you'd be surprised at how things will turn out.

Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Brothers of the Afterlife (Tatsumi x Akame)Where stories live. Discover now