Viobeal, Chapter five

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Viobela's house, 7:00 Am

I feel like this year is going to suck, no, I know this year will suck. I know Marvel will try to start something and I can't defend myself because I don't want people to know what happened between me and Anya. I guess now is a good time to tell you what happened. Last year I stayed over at Marvel's house unannounced to my mother. Once Marvel finally went to sleep after trying to get me to sleep with him, then ignoring me when I said no, I went to the kitchen to get a snack. Anya was down there so we made small talk. I decided to sit on the counter as she talked about how much she loved spicy food. As she was talking she progressively got closer until she was practically in between my legs. She was still talking so I listened, and I didn't hear Marvel come down the stairs. Anya took one final step closer as she finished talking, at this point she was so close I could feel her breath on my lower lip. She leaned in and- "Viobela you need to leave now if you want to stop at the gas station to get snacks" I heard my mother scream from downstairs. Thankfully I was already dressed, today I'm wearing a red slightly baggy shirt with some light denim jeans with a few holes, just low enough so I don't get dress-coded. I also decided to wear my favorite red bracelet that Raven gave me for my 13th birthday. I threw on my red high-top Converse and ran downstairs. "Coming" I yell back grabbing my black JanSport bag and keys and running out the door saying "Bye Mom love you" as I close the door. It's a nice August morning and the breeze is warm and calming. I ran to my car and threw my bag in the passenger seat. I turn the car in and start to drive to the nearest gas station. If you're wondering, Raven stayed at Luke's house, I think they're dating now. He's going to take her to school. Me and Val haven't hung out since the date but we have texted every day. Raven doesn't know because I don't know how she will react. I wonder how today will be, because of what happened to James. I didn't know him that well but I knew he had a girlfriend. Betty, I wonder how she is doing. I pull up to the gas station and park my car right by the door. I walk in and grab a bottle of Dr Pepper, a pack of mint gum, and a bag of potato chips. I walk over to the cash register and place my things on the counter, grabbing my wallet out of my pocket, "That will be $11.56 please" the young cashier says I pull out a 10-dollar bill and two 1-dollar bills and hand them to her. She types on the register for a second and the money drawer pops out, she places the bills inside and grabs some change, handing it to me with the receipt "You're change is .34 cents, have a nice day" she says hanging me my items in a dark gray plastic bag.I walk out of the small convenience store and head to my car, I forgot to lock it so I just open the door and slide myself into the seat. I open my school bag and empty the contents of the plastic bag into my backpack. I start the car and let the heater kick up because it's starting to get colder. I decided to drive in silence. I was about halfway there when my phone went off. 'Hey Bela, are you close I'm about to pull in?' It's from Val. I smile slightly and pick up my phone from the center console. Yes, I know texting and driving is rather illegal. But what's the worst thing that could happen? 'Hi Val, I'm like 5 minutes away see you there" I quickly text back and put my phone down, almost driving past a stop sign. I hear my phone buzz but this time I choose to ignore it, my safety is a little more important. I finally pull into the school's parking lot with 8 minutes until the bell rings, signaling it's time to go to the first period. I park my Jeep and grab my bag. Before I leave I pull down the sun visor and open the mirror, fixing my hair. I close the visor and grab my phone and Airpods, shoving them in my pocket. I get out of my car and close the door, locking it and walking away. I pull out my phone again and text Val 'Hey I just got here, Where are you?' I see she sees my text and she starts typing but instead calls me, I quickly answer and bring my phone to my ear. "Hey Bela I'm near the office, I needed to grab an extra schedule." she says "Oh okay wait there I'll meet you," I say walking inside the double doors of the school. "Great, see you soon," she says and hangs up. I put my phone in my back pocket and started walking towards the office. I was about to make the final turn when someone grabbed my shoulder with a strong grip. I jump and hastily turn around to see Marvel and some of his football buddies. "Hey Bela, where do you think you're going?" he says and some of the boys behind him laugh. "Go away Marvel you know I broke up with you," I say and try to wiggle out of his grip but he's too strong. The boys behind him stop laughing and look at Marvel. "Bro I thought you said that you broke up with her?" Marvel turns around letting me go and says "I did this little bitch is lying" My eyebrows raise and I say "Oh yeah, I can pull up the texts and the million voicemails you left me, and I'll show everyone the picture." he swiftly turns around facing my again "You wouldn't dare, I will tell everyone when happened between you and Anya," he says with a sly smirk. "Go ahead, I don't care now, leave me alone," I say and turn the corner seeing Val standing there. "Hey, what took you so long?" she says walking up to me and pulling me into a hug wrapping her arms around my waist. "My annoying ex-boyfriend '' I say with a hitch in my throat. I don't know why but my eyes start to water, I guess it finally hit me, what Marvel did. I look down to avoid Val's gaze but she lightly grabs my chin and raises my face to hers, my eyes wander around her "Hey look at me it's okay, what happened?" she says and I finally lock eyes with her. I can't prevent the tears from streaming down my face. "He cheated on me at the party. Now he's telling people that he broke up with me and he's threatening to tell everyone a secret so big I haven't even told my best friend. '' I say as I pull myself into the side of her neck. "Oh, Bela it's okay he's not worth your tears." She says holding my waist with one hand and rubbing my back with the other. I eventually stop crying and pull away. She wipes the last tear off my cheek "Come there like 2 minutes until the bell rings. What is your first period?" she asks as she starts walking down the hall pulling out her schedule from her back pocket. "Geometry 2 with Mrs Gonzalez" 

FragileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora