Viobela, Chapter three

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Viobela's house 7:30 am

I've always hated mornings, but this one in particular. I know Marvel is going to blame this shit on me. I'm glad I took the picture because no one would have believed me. Greyson High's golden boy cheating with not one but 2 girls, this might be bigger than the time the 2 freshman English teachers were found hooking up. "Honey come downstairs, breakfast is ready and me and your father need to speak with you" my mom yells. Oh shit, they know. I start to head downstairs and I start to hear the TV "It has been revealed that the student went to Greyson High, and information about James is very beneficial." the news anchor says. "Wait what did that say?" I say running to the living room. " hun a young boy was murdered. His name was James Rivers. He went to your school, he was stabbed, um many times" my dad says while looking at me sympathetically. I don't know what to say. I just walked over to the TV to listen more. "A witness report says that they found James' body with a bloody knife next to him." She says "I can't watch this, I know him, I mean I've seen him in hallways, and classes, and, and in football games" I say walking around the living room. "Oh honey come here," my mom says while sitting on the couch with open arms I walk over and sit next to her and she wraps her arms around me "I know you're scared, I know because I am, do you see now why we are so strict on you," she says I nod and get up "I'm not hungry, so I'm going up to my room," I say as I rush up the stairs. I was out last night, that could have been me. Was James at the party? My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing. I answered it because it's raven. "Hey Bela did you see the news" she says kind of groggy "Yeah Raven that could have been us. Or marvel, I didn't give him a ride." I said quietly "Why did you give him a ride?" she said and I sighed "Let me send you a picture that you can't show to anyone, ok?" I said pulling up our texts "o,k" she said I clicked on the picture and cringed, I could finally see who the other girl was, marvels ex-girlfriend, Jennifer. My finger hovers over the send button until I give in and press send. "OH MY GOSH," I hear from the phone as I put it on speaker so it can get changed. "Yeah, I caught them. I wonder what's gonna happen. If he twists the truth I'm sending this to the whole school." I say while taking my shirt off and putting a new one on. "Damn Bela, that's harsh but understandable, But could I please spend the night I think my stepdad is drunk again," she says "Yeah i'll try to convince my mom," I say while putting on my sweatpants. "I'll call you when I'm on the way," I say and hang up. I rush down the stairs and head to the door but I'm stopped by my mom yelling "Viobela where do you think you're going?" I stop right in front of the door and turn around "Mom please let me go get Raven she doesn't want to be home right now" I say as she sighs "Honey you know you're grounded, she has to find a different ride." my mom says. I nod "Could you pick her up I don't want her to walk, you know" I say looking at her. "Yes honey, I will pick her up, let's go," she says grabbing her keys. I open the door and walk towards my mom's car. The car ride was a comfortable silence. Once we pulled up my mom stopped the car and I got out. I was about to knock when I heard screaming, Loud screaming. Her dad to be exact. "YOU STUPID WASTE OF SPACE. STAYING OUT TILL PAST 1 AM. ME AND YOUR MOTHER WERE WORRIED SICK YOUR CURFEW IS 10 PM." Her dad screams at her and I hear glass break and a loud slap. I didn't bother knocking at this point. I slam the door open and see Raven on the floor looking up at her dad. There were many empty beer bottles on the floor and one smashed bottle. Raven had a red mark on her cheek. They both turn to look at me and Raven gets up, runs to me, and drags me to her room. "Oh my gosh, i'm so glad you're here, Bela I love you so much. Help me get some clothes if your mom doesn't mind, do you think I could stay with you? '' she says while locking the door and doing that thing they do in movies when they put a chair under the door handle. I grabbed a bag I saw on the floor and said "Of course, and I think my mom will gladly let you stay if we tell her everything" and I started going through her closet and grabbing the stuff she needed. Before she could say anything we heard banging on the door " Raven I'm so sorry, VioBela you walked in at a bad time i had a bad day, please open the door, let me apologize'' we hear her dad say and the door handle shakes, slowly becoming more harsh as we here her dad yell. "OPEN THE DOOR YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT '' We finish up and open the window, thankfully she has a one-story house. The door lock and chair seemed more unstable by the minute we threw the bags out the window. "Ok, you go first.'' I say and she nods. She slides out and I slowly put my leg up on the windowsill. And I hear the door frame start to crack under the banging. I start rushing, scraping my arm. I slide out as I hear the door finally break and Raven's dad barges in. "FINE LEAVE, AND DON'T COME BACK" he yells as we pick up the bags and run to my mom's car. I think we startle her when we suddenly get in and slam the doors shut. "Oh my god, are you ok" my mom says "Yes yes we're fine now, well explain once we get home please just drive," I say while me and Raven buckle our seat belts. "Got it weirdos' ' Mom says and drives off. The car ride this time was an awkward silence. Once we pulled up at my house me, Raven, and my mom walked inside and sat in the living room. "So girls, could you please explain to me why you didn't use the front door, and why you rushed into my car acting as if you had just robbed a bank?" my mom says trying to be funny "Well, my father is a little aggressive when he gets drunk, and I came home late last night, and I guess that the house doorbell camera we have saw me, and when my dad came home from the bar after I got off the phone with Bela, he was mad, really mad, and he drank beer after beer and then he saw I was home when I got out of the bathroom, he, um," Raven starts. "Hey it's ok you don't have to do this," I say and put my arm on her shoulder. "No, it's ok, I'm ready. When I got out of the bathroom he started yelling in my face because I was out really late, and I wish it was because of what happened to James, I mean I know that it's bad but I also know my dad was just mad because I went against his wishes." Raven says as a tear slowly descends from her left eye. "So right before Bela walked in my dad was screaming in my face and he threw a bottle of beer on the ground and when I did not respond to his actions he slapped me across the face, and I fell," she says and tears start streaming down her face. "Do you want me to tell her from here?" I ask and she nods, resting her head on my shoulder. "So when I walked in I saw Ray on the ground and her dad was breathing heavily then he saw me. Me and Ray ran to her room to get some bags and filled them with her clothes, at first her dad was trying to sweet talk us into opening the door but when we didn't her started getting aggressive so we went out the window and right on time cause when I jumped out of the window her broke the door and told us to never come back" I finish with one tear rolling down my cheek. "Wow Raven are you ok, you can stay here as long as you can but I want to get in contact with your mom and I want to talk with her about you staying here." Raven nods and starts talking "I'm going to be in Bella's room, could you help me with my bags," she says looking up at me" I nod and pick up a bag, and head upstairs with Raven who also has a bag in her hand. "Bela can I talk with you for a second" I hear my mom say. "Yeah let me get her bags in my room. "Bela I'm so glad that you're my friend, you are like a sister I always wanted but never got, and you always know what to say," Raven says walking into my room and I smile, throwing her bag on the floor by my bed. "Me to Ray '' I say and she plops on my bed I'm gonna take a nap I didn't sleep," she says getting under the blankets. I smile and nod and walk downstairs to see my mom still sitting on the couch, "What's up Mom What did you need to talk about?" I say sitting next to her. "Hunny, you know I love Raven but her father could call the cops and say I kidnapped her, I could go to jail if she stays here." she says and I feel my eyes water I stand up and walk towards the stairs. "But you said she could stay," I say with a hitch in my voice. I quickly rush upstairs into my room, I walk over to my desk I open my laptop, and open up to my schedule. I was about to check but I got interrupted by my phone ringing. I decided to answer even though it was an unknown number. "Hello?" I ask and hear a familiar voice "Hey Bela it's Valentina, do think I forgot about you.'' I smile into the phone "Hi Valentina. I'm glad you called '' I can hear her slightly chuckle. "Me too, I was worried you gave me the wrong number," she says "I would never," I say in a slightly comedic sarcastic tone. "Do you wanna grab a coffee or something? '' I smile and slightly laugh. "Of course, how about in an hour? '' I say and she responds quickly .'Yes of course where" "I'll send you the address." And I hang up. I know a good cafe a few miles away from me so I sent her the address.

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