Viobela, Chapter four

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Viobela's house 11:00 am

I walk down the stairs preparing myself for the conversation I will have with my mom. "Hey Mom, can I please please please go to this cafe with my friend" I ask walking up to her "Will you have your location turned on. And will you text me when you get there and before you leave?" oh that went better than expected. "Yes, yes, and yes, " I say with my hand in front of me while I sway back and forth slightly. She thinks for a second "What about Raven?" "She's dead asleep '' I say looking up at the stairs. "Ooh I figured she didn't sleep much last night," she thinks a little more, "Fine." she says and I start smiling and I run up to hug her, then I run upstairs and sit on my bed and start texting Marvel. Because I need to get this conversation over with. 'Hey Marvel, don't know if you remember last night but we're breaking up. I don't care what you have to say about it and don't try to make yourself sound better '' "And send '' I say putting my phone down and walking over to my bathroom. I don't usually wear makeup but I feel like putting some on for her. I just put on some mascara, lipgloss, and light blush. That took me about 30 minutes because I kept messing up so I'm about to leave. I decided to check my phone and saw Valentina's number texted me 'Hey Bela are you gonna send the address' I smiled and mentally slapped my face because I forgot, I typed up the cafe name in Google and copied and pasted the address, I also change her contact name to 'Valentina✨'. I also see a message from Marvel "Oh this will be good" I say under my breath and click his contact 'fine then I don't care but I bet people won't believe the actual reason, and if you tell anyone I'll tell everyone what you and my sister did last summer' i start to laugh until I got to the end. he swore he wasn't mad and he promised he wouldn't say anything. 'fuck off Marvel you're just some petty man-child. Leave me alone you egotistical dick.' send and I block him so he can't say anything else to ruin my day. Valentina starts typing so I click on her contact. "Ok, thanks, see you soon Bela' I smile and like her message. I walk over to my bed and see that the raven is still passed out but she looks very comfortable. I walk downstairs and grab my keys, "Bye Mom, I'll see you soon, Love you" I say walking out of the door and towards my white Jeep Wrangler. I hopped in and let the car start and my phone connected to the Bluetooth, and I started playing Taylor Swift, this time playing Dress. I started to drive and turned up the music high. I'm singing along quite loudly when I see the coffee shop so I turn down the music drive into the parking lot and park in a spot with no one near me. I got out and grabbed my wallet that was already in my car. I see Valentina waiting for me, looking around nervously. I smile and walk to the door, when the bell rings Valentina turns around and runs up to me "Hey Bela I was waiting for you" she says bringing me into a hug "Hey Valentina I'm so so sorry I'm late" I say into her chest. "Please Bela call me Val" she says pulling away and smiling I nod and smile back grabbing her wrist and dragging her to the line "ok what do you want" I say standing beside her in the line which only has about 2-3 people "just a vanilla latte" she says "wow so original" I say with a sarcastic tone. She slightly pushes my shoulder and we laugh. "Hello, what would y'all ladies like today" the cashier says, she's around my height and has blonde hair and dark green eyes. "One Large vanilla latte and a Large matcha latte with whipped cream and oat milk," I say as Valentina stands awkwardly to my side "OK and will that be all?" she asks and I nod "That will be $14.61" I pull out my wallet as Valentina starts searching her bag for hers, by the time she finds her the cashier is handing my change back "Bela i was gonna pay" she says in my ear "sorry" I say "okay and the name for the drinks?" The cashier asks, grabbing two large cups "Bela for the matcha latte and Val for the Vanilla latte." Once she finishes writing the names she puts the cups down and starts talking "ok those will be out shortly" We smile and I turn around with Valentina following shortly behind. Once I find a table and sit down she sits "Did you hear about what happened James, he gose, or went to our school" I say trying to make conversation "Yeah it's terrible that could have been us" she says "No cause i saw James at the party before i went to the bathroom" i say looking down and rubbing the back of my neck with one hand and tapping my fingers agents the table. Val brings her hand to mine lightly placing it down, tracing a circle on the back of my hand with her middle finger. "It's going to be ok, there was probably some psycho on the loose from a mental hospital, I can promise it won't happen again," she says and I look up at her, I start to examine her face. The little freckle on her lower left cheek. How one eyebrow is slightly more arched than the other. The fact that she doesn't wear makeup. "Bela?" Val says snapping me out of my thoughts, "They called our names let's go" she says standing up and walking towards the counter. I stand up and walk a little fast to catch up with her. She grabs her drink and I reach for mine but she grabs it also. "If you can pay I can carry them." she says with a light smile but from the corner of my eye, I see the barista giving Val a dirty look. I ignore her and sit back down as Val puts my drink in front of me "There you go m'lady" she says joking and I let out a soft chuckle "You so weird you know that" I say grabbing my drink and putting it in my lips, taking a small sip "Yup but I'm not the one with a whipped cream mustache" she says grabbing a napkin and wiping my upper lip. Her eyes go to my lip but they rise to my eyes after a second. "There you go," she says in a whisper just loud enough that I can hear her over the music in the cafe. I smile as I lock eyes with her beautiful gray eyes that look just a hint lighter on the left than the right. She slowly sits back down in her seat but maintains eye contact. "What's that?" she says pointing at my cup. I grab it and turn it until I see a number "Thought you were cute, call me" I read from the cup and start to laugh before I stop myself realizing the barista could be watching. I slowly slide the cup to Val and she reads it. A small smile appears on her face and before I can tell her not to, she starts laughing a little too hard, making the people behind us look at her. "I'm sorry that's hilarious," she says in between her laughs ''Valentina get it together people are looking at us like we're crazy," I say in a hushed yell which makes her laugh harder. "I swear I will leave this table and never talk to you again if you don't shut up," I say with a slight smile. She starts to calm down, but she is still slightly giggling. "I'm so sorry Bela, that was funny, I mean we're literally on a date," she says and I freeze. She said to date, I'm on a date, With a girl. I think she realized what she said because she quickly followed with "..right?" I smile and reply "Yes, of course, I guess it didn't click that I was on a date right now" She has a warm smile as her eyes meet mine "Have you ever been with a girl?" she asks and I look away from her, breaking the eye contact "Well I've never been in a relationship with a girl before," I say nervously and I hear her let out a soft chuckle. "Thats ok Bela if we have a second date, or a third, or take this somewhere. We can go as slow as you want" she says with a soft smile, which makes me smile just a little bit. My phone goes off and I see Raven and my mom texted me. "Oh shit, I gotta go, my best friend, Raven, is staying the night and she was asleep when I left and she and my mom just texted me.'' I say getting up and putting my phone in my back pocket. "Ok let me walk you out to your car," she says getting up and grabbing her bag. She walks up next to close enough to slightly have her hand rub against mine from time to time. "Ok this is my car '' I say walking up to the driver's side door. "Ok Bela, I had an amazing time with you. I hope we can do this again." She says sting in front of me. I pull her into and hug, placing my head in the nape of her neck and placing my hands around her back while she places her hands on my side. I self-consciously breathe in through my nose to smell her perfume. It smelt amazing, a mixture of strawberry and cherry. "You smell good," I say into her neck "Thank you, but were you sniffing me?" she says, pulling away but keeping her hands on my waist. "Well, maybe," I say, looking away from her and turning my head away from her. She then puts her pointer finger and thumb on my chin to make my head face her. "I guess that's ok," she says. I see her slightly lean in so I close my eyes. She is so close that I can feel her breath against my upper lip. Just before we make contact we hear someone yell at us "Hey, did one of you leave a wallet". It was the barista from before we both shook our heads but she stayed there watching "OK well I'm going to go before Raven gets too worried." I say opening my car door and sliding in. She closes the car door and I roll down the window after starting the car. "Goodbye Bela. Text me when you get home," she says and I nod while smiling "Bye Val," I say as she walks to what I presume is her car. I start to drive the time with no music. Just my thoughts and the sound of my tires rolling down the road.

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