Erm this is fr a homework assginment

29 3 8

~The pretty vampire~

Tanner (22, main focus, dark brown hair at shoulder length, mixed, 5'9, main give away details to his werewolf identity; fangs bigger then humans, black eyes, lots of body hair, buff as well. Akira's older brother.)
Akira (18, secondary character, red dyed hair at waist length, mixed, 5'5, only give away details to her werewolf identity; fangs bigger then humans, yellow tinted eyes, more body hair then the average woman, also buff. Tanners younger sister.)
Edward; (23, secondary main focus, black hair at his ears, German, 6'1, main give away details to his vampire. Identity; fangs sharper and longer then humans, red tinted eyes, quite thin, no visible muscles. only child)
Akira's friend, Mariah; 19, female
Tanner's friend, josh; 24, male

I'm spitting this up so i know how many words there are

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