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"Hello Jay, how are you doing today?" Mr.willams ask.

"Fine, I guess," I replied.

"we both know that's not truth. otherwise, a friend would have to hold intervention, convince to seek help of professional," Mr.willams stated, " so please honest say bothering you."

"Ok, why don't they believe me say I'm fine," I replied sniffling as my eyes water.

"Because you're not. They know you well enough to know your not." Mr.willams replied.

"My parents believe me," I add.

"Well your mask got really comfortable wear parents has it." Mr.willams replied.

"Huh, oh, really I guess really got hiding things form them," I responded.

"Yeah, well so what do you want talk about today?" Mr.willams ask again.

My face still mosit form my tears. As screech brain something really walk about.

"How about friendships, so we can establish patterns who make friends future help become closer to them." Mr.willams ask.

"Ok sounds simple enough," I answers.

" I know this first in therapy for future we don't usally start with super hard stuff work way up to thing may hard do deal with." Mr.willams added.

40 minutes later

"Sorry to intrup, but we ten minutes left, so let's recap and warp up continue next time." Mr.willams injected.

"Ok," I replied.

"So your childhood best friend and first real friend ellie your favorite person in world growing up.  In eighth grade since strong bond and now realize demiromantic experience your feelings to them and didn't want presuse romantic relationship with invert pull away from them and you regret is that correct?" Mr.willams ask.

"Yep," I replied.

"Well my advice try reconnect with them so they did hurt unintentionally,  but you probably hurt them withdrawing form your friendship with them. And one thing I have opportunity for if want?" Mr.willams said.

"Ok i will try reconnect, but what is this opportunity?" I ask.

"Well our office ruin a summer camp design help regress from intake told wish could stop repression your trama and like idea of regress here have brochure," Mr.willams replied as slide the brochure over.

To be continued.

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