He said rushing forward as he was avoiding all of Goetia attacks blocking with the Shield and cutting with his sword accompanied by several people who he fought with.

These people were Servants that Issei and Ritsuka who formed a type of bond together. As they all deal damage to the Demon God Pillars and Goatia himself.

Until finally Issei thanks to his Servants help him get to fight Goetia alone.

Goetia - "Why do you not submit to me? Why do you keep fighting so hard?" He yell at Issei who keeps hitting the shield.

Issei - He begins to remember his childhood. Where he never met his mother and his father experimented on him with a dragon core. Until the memories of him, Ritsuka, Mash and everyone appeared in his head. "That's obvious! To Live!"

He yell as he stab the shield into Goetia chest.




But in cost of Issei life as Issei had a wound near his heart as he tries to return to Ritsuka side however.




Issei fell to the floor as a pool of his own blood poured out of his chest.

Issei - "Ahhh... this is bad I'm losing to much blood... I guess this is it. My end..." He said with a smile in his face.

Before the figure of Ritsuka and all the servants came approaching him.

Issei - "That right. I was happy to be able to be by all of you. If I could make a wish... I wish that we could see each other again and you to Mashu." He said he his eyes lost there light

As the weapon he carried disappeared along with a green light of dust into the unknown.

Ritsuka/Female Servants - "Issei!!!" The voice of many girls can be heard as their cries can be heard.












(Timeskip brought to by a Chibi Issei being surrounded by jealous Chibi Servants towards all the Chibi DxD characters.)


















We can see a individual waking up in a panic as he begins to touch his forehead as this person's name is Issei Hyoudou

Fate Issei - Servant Bond OathWhere stories live. Discover now