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The bond forged between a Master and his Servant, a Heroic Spirit is nothing but special and precious. It transcends human's knowledge and even the Spirits doesn't know the full extent of its power. Increasing one's power to an almost unimaginable height, closing a long distance in a single second with a single command, bending reality to allow the [Inexistences] to exist.

This is a story about a man who once forged bonds tougher than the strongest metal in the world and his story after his... reincarnation?










In a battlefield where two people just watched a shield where someone should've been there... but that person is gone.

Including another person who disappeared while given both a smile. The cry of a girl can be heard as she couldn't believe she lost them.

 The cry of a girl can be heard as she couldn't believe she lost them

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Ritsuka - "Mashu... Dr.Roman... No.." A girl with orange hair was looking at the shield before someone walk up and pick up the shield despite him holding a sword in his other hand. "Issei"

The young man named Issei held both weapons before the outfit he was wearing is known as a Mystic Code started to radiate power as his eyes glowed green and where that of a reptile.

The young man named Issei held both weapons before the outfit he was wearing is known as a Mystic Code started to radiate power as his eyes glowed green and where that of a reptile

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Ritsuka - "No! Issei don't use your dragon core! You won't survive!" She yell before a person showed up to protect Ritsuka.

Issei - "I'm counting on you Emiya." He said before taking some steps forward "Edmond let's go!"

Fate Issei - Servant Bond OathWhere stories live. Discover now