Gibby then stood up and walked away to the exit of the restaurant. Senpai watched him, feeling a sense of annoyance at how he was interrupted and how Gibby just abandoned them mid-conversation.

"Mom, are you sure about this?" Senpai asked as soon as he was outside.

"Huh. Why wouldn't I be?" She narrowed her eyebrows.

"It's just... I don't know. You both-"

"Don't you finish that sentence by calling me old mister!"

"NO!" Senpai held up his hands defensively. "You both were married before. It's a big commitment to not take lightly. Wasn't he divorced?"

"Relationships don't work out sometimes. Life happens."

"Yeah, I get where you are coming from. But like... What about Alpha, Beta, and ME? He is like our stepfather or something now. Shouldn't you have asked us first?"

"I cannot believe you right now. You're grown up and moved out of my house! You are twenty-five years old for god's sake."

"I know! Oh my God! But just because I am an adult doesn't mean your relationships don't affect me," Senpai said. He looked down in thought. "And also... I can't help not think about Dad. I know he has been gone for a while... but... Nevermind. I don't know what I am saying."

Phi's face then shifted from anger to sympathy.

"OH, I think I understand where this reaction is coming from. You never were that close to your dad so you feel weird at this other man coming to be in that role technically. You have always been my mama's boy." His mom placed her hand over his.

"Yeah... I wasn't close to Dad," Sen sighed.

"Just because I am married to Gibby doesn't mean he has to be your dad now. But, maybe getting to know Gibby can be your second chance, my little Sen."

Senpai felt immediate resistance to that suggestion.

"I think I'm fine. Dads aren't everything. I have you," Senpai argued. He then forced a smile to hide the anger that was building up again. 'Stay calm. Nothing is wrong. Don't ruin this for her,' he thought.

"AW, you are always the sweetest. I promise you everything will only be better because of this."

Senpai nodded slightly. He decided to keep his mouth shut to avoid further saying anything he would regret. Thankfully, when Gibby came back, they were able to change the subject completely. Senpai was thankful for the temporary sense of escape during that.

But as soon as he left the restaurant many scary thoughts ran through his head as he walked back to his car. He did not want anything to do with Gibby. He was bothered by his mom's suggestion of the potential of Gibby being a father figure. He couldn't stop thinking about the concept of fatherhood in general.

He used to never be upset that his dad often chose to spend time with his brothers over him. But recently this fact made him confused and conflicted.

This had to be because his secret was that he was going to become a father himself in a few months.

No one knew about this except him and the woman pregnant with his child. He didn't want to tell anyone because he wasn't sure if he wanted to even be a father in the first place. Sure, he would always be the biological father but he was hesitant about being the father.

He wasn't married to this girl! They weren't even dating. The kid was a result of a one-night stand. Senpai barely knew the girl and found her to be insufferable.

He was leaning towards giving up custody and being more of an absent father who was only a paycheck. This just wasn't because the kid was an accident, but because there was no way he was going to be a good father.

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