Cheer Sleepover

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Over the next few weeks, things have maintained the same pacing. Going to cheer practice after school, or hanging out with either group of the boys. On some occasions, the Freedom Pals would have their group meeting, which never had the status change on whether or not Professor Chaos was innocent. Regardless of what everyone else thought, you were going to stick by your ally and support him.

Before anyone had realized just how quickly time was flying by, it was already Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving break was a holiday which many of your fellow classmates were looking forward to, since this meant that you'd all have a week off of school. However, it wasn't seeming to be too interesting of a Thanksgiving break. That's until you were invited to a sleepover, a Cheerleaders only sleepover.

Wendy had invited all of the cheer squad to Bebe's house, since her parents were going to be gone for a few days. With the house to you girls only, there's no telling just what the night would have in store for you all.

You packed a light overnight bag, making sure to have enough clothing for your nightwear and an outfit for tomorrow. Humming to yourself, you then walked over to your cousin's room, before knocking on his door. A pair of feet scrambled quickly to the ground, and sped walked to the door. Upon the door opening, you couldn't help but see that it was Craig who hastily threw his hat on, the top few buttons of his shirt were incorrectly buttoned, and a red tint on his cheeks.

Eyes wide, you realized that you'd probably just ruined a good moment for them. Upon realization, you've never really seen Craig in such a state of embarrassment, you don't think you've seen him blush before, either. Taking this as the golden opportunity to push his buttons, you smirked deviously. "What are you guys doing in there? Are you guys playing a game without me?"

"Y/N what the fuck do you want?" Craig tried his best to maintain his monotone voice, but you couldn't tell if he sounded more harsh than usual because of him trying to hide his nerves or if he was genuinely pissed off. Your big brother wouldn't really get mad at you though, right?

"Well I was going to ask Tweek if I could borrow his sleeping bag for the sleepover that we're having tonight." You raised a brow at him, and crossed your arms over your chest. "You are soooooo grumpy, what's wrong with you today, need to talk about it?" A sly smirk cornered your lips.

Craig turned on his heel, retrieved Tweek's sleeping bag for you without even telling him, and handed it to your open arms. "There. Now don't bother us." Craig narrowed his eyes at you, seeing that you were trying to play an innocent act.

"Oooh, I see..." You pretended to finally understand now, and tapped a finger against your bottom lip. "I'll leave the house so you guys can be as loud as you want! Love you guys, bye~" You chimed as you threw your overnight bag over your shoulder, and went down the stairs before you could see Craig's expression.

With sleeping bag in hand, and your overnight bag over your shoulder, you started out for Bebe's house. Alright, if you recall correctly, the Tweak residence was right across the street from the Marsh's old house before moving to the farm. So you'd be heading South to make it to the direction of the Community Center, which Bebe's house was the one before crossing the street to the building. (A/N: I literally just realized that the Tweak residence was across the street from Stan's old house... Which is beside Kyle's house so haha oopsies here I go forgetting map layouts AGAIN. Let's just pretend that we knew that this whole time.)

Making your way to Bebe's house, you took in a deep breath of the crisp air, exhaling you were able to see your own breath in the air when exhaling. You were finally able to walk around the main part of the neighborhood on your own without distraction. Glancing over at the houses that you've passed, you were able to see some houses that you don't really pass by too often. Like the Valmer residence, as well as the Biggle residence. Valmer of course, that was Fastpass. You didn't really interact with Jimmy outside of Freedom Pals, this could've been because he was good friends with Timmy. Those two always seemed to be on their own, or the occasional times where he'd be hanging out with Team Craig.

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