Chapter 3

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Kagome was left in a daze as the three youkai led her down several dark hallways toward the entrance of a luxurious hotel bath. They passed the two sliding doors, one labeled men's and the other women's, before reaching their destination farther down. Upon entering the room, Kagome was enveloped in the sweet scents of heated minerals and scented oils.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, the three nopperabou undressed her and placed her in the private bath. Despite feeling shocked, Kagome found herself enjoying the experience to a certain degree.

"This is Hot Water Torture!" The first nopperabou sang, her voice cheery and light, as warm water was poured over Kagome's naked body. Another worked on combing her hair, adding sweet-scented oils that smelled of sweet cream.

"This is the Skinning Torture!" The second nopperabou explained in a softer, more reserved tone as they worked to exfoliate her skin. Meanwhile, the other two massaged her arms, using an oil with a sweet fragrance of sun-ripened berries.

They then hurried to dry her. "This is the Binding Torture!" The last nopperabou explained. The three worked to dress her in a lovely lilac kimono decorated with a simple white and blue moonflower design and a periwinkle obi.

Kagome's only protest was when they tried to apply makeup and tie up her hair.

She was then led to a room decorated elegantly in traditional Japanese style in shades of roses and dark wood accents. "The inner parlor." the first nopperabou explained softly before shutting the door behind Kagome.

And there in the center of the room, waiting for her, was the oni. A tea set was laid out on the low table beside him. "I've been waiting!" He smiled; his voice was just as gentle as his smile, but it lacked any emotion behind it. "My bride, you look lovely in our signature yukata!" He extended his arm, gesturing for her to take a seat.

Kagome took the seat across from him, eyes anxiously sweeping the room. "I'm not your bride," Kagome hissed, finally looking him in the eye.

"You're still saying that?" he questioned, "If you become my wife, you can receive any service at Tenjiya free of charge, and you won't have to worry about your grandfather's debt." He smiled.

Kagome sighed, rubbing her brow, attempting to soothe the headache blooming there. "Why do you want to marry me in the first place?"

"Do you really hate the idea of becoming my wife?" He asked back, pouring a cup of tea for the both of them.

Kagome gave him an exhausted glare, urging him to answer instead of continuously avoiding her questions.

He gave a breathy laugh. "Having a human spouse is a status symbol here in the Hidden realm." Kagome looked at him with wide eyes, surprised and curious about the practice. 500 years ago, having Hanyou children was considered sacrilegious, and the child was often ostracized. Maybe it was only okay to marry as long as they didn't procreate. "And since you are Shiro's granddaughter and possess reiryoku, that only elevates your worth."

Kagome was stunned by his words and numbly accepted the tea he offered her. He continued to speak, bringing a pipe to his lips as he explained. "Shiro was famous amongst the youkai here in the Hidden realm. That fact alone would make you a highly sought-after bride, but having reiryoku also increases your value." Kagome bit her tongue, hating how he spoke as if she were cattle to be bought, sold, and even consumed based upon a youkai's whim. "The youkai hold human women with spiritual abilities in high esteem, deeming them "exquisite." These individuals are valued for their delectability, and thus the youkai hold them in reverence and refrain from consuming them. Despite their aversion to the idea, the youkai often succumb to their primal instincts and indulge in the flesh of humans. This conundrum creates a tumultuous existence, akin to living in a personal hell, yet the youkai find solace in the thrill of this exquisite torment." He chuckled, taking a long drag off his pipe.

"In other words, human girls are interesting distractions for bored youkai." Kagome felt a growl rumble and build in her chest. "Does that mean my "value" is equal to that of my grandfather's debts?"

"More or less." He shrugged, again taking a drag of his pipe. "His debts equate to 100 million yen."

Kagome felt like the air had been sucked out of her. She set down the teacup with trembling hands, trying to process everything that had happened so far. There were so many questions dancing on her tongue, but she swallowed them. Even with some of the money Grandpa Shiro left, and if they sold all the possessions he left behind, it wouldn't even equal a third of the debt, but Kagome didn't want this kind of life. She didn't want to be in a loveless marriage, to be paraded around like a trophy and likely consumed before a grey hair could even appear. There were so many things she wanted in her life: love and a family, to travel the world, and so much more.

Even if it meant pausing her education, Kagome would do anything to avoid living such a hollow life as this oni's trophy wife. She would do anything, even at the cost of her pride. "Can't I just pay back my grandpa's debt? You offered him the choice to pay up or work at Tenjinya." She moved so she was kneeling directly in front of the oni and then bowed, her head touching the floor. "I do not wish to marry you, so I beg you, please allow me to work off the debt," Kagome pinched her eyes tight, fighting off the sting of angry tears.

It was silent for a moment, the air suddenly becoming charged with youki and thick with tension. His voice came as a rumble, sinister and daunting, sending shivers down her spine. "Are you trying to negotiate with me, girl?"

Kagome stayed in that position; she didn't dare raise her head even when she could feel his shadow looming over her. "I beg of you, Oni Lord, I do not wish to marry a person I do not love. Even your council is opposed to our union."

It was a long moment, his shadow seeming to swallow all the light in the room. And for a moment, she thought he would eat her.

"Very well." The surprise had her jump, her head rising just enough to see him looming above her and the glow within his garnet eyes and the sinister twisting of his smile. "But you will have to work at Tenjinya." The glow in his eyes was as fierce as a flame but as cold as winter, freezing her soul and any hope she had of escape. "You will not be treated as my bride but as a member of staff. You'll no longer be able to stay in a guest room or receive my protection." He turned away. "So you can't complain, even if someone tries to eat you."

"Finally showing your true colors, I see," Kagome whispered, a part of breaking and bleeding into her voice.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" His voice and face returned to the mask of veiled kindness. "You will look for a job alone." A spark of animosity entered his eyes. "I don't know how well that will go, as the staff here really hate humans because of Shiro." Kagome flinched as he walked to the door. "You are free to use these rooms today, but come tomorrow, you will be moved, that is, if you can even find a job. If you escape, you'll most likely be eaten, but if you agree to be my wife," He turned, looking at her over his shoulder as the doors opened for him. "I'll gladly accept you and forget all out this pitiful displace of defiance."

Kagome clenched her fists, fighting back tears of frustration and anger. She refused to give in to this oni's twisted demands, even if it meant facing the dangers of the Hidden Realm alone. Rising to her feet, she composed herself, drawing upon her inner strength and determination.

"I will never agree to be your wife," Kagome declared, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling within her. "And I won't be cowed by your threats or your manipulative tactics."

The oni regarded her with a mixture of amusement and disdain, but Kagome held his gaze unwaveringly. She knew she had to act quickly if she wanted to escape this suffocating situation.

"I'll find a way to repay my grandfather's debt on my own terms," she vowed. "And I won't rest until I've regained my freedom."

He smiled, and Kagome choked on her breath. It was the first genuine smile he had given her. "I look forward to seeing you try," he said.

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