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Wednesday went down to weem's office.
Didn't know why she was down there Wednesday already filled her on everything that happened down during her suspension and Enid's weird relationship with her family

Weems looked up from her paperwork when she heard Wednesday entering, "Ah miss Addams I'm glad you could see me."
Wednesday slowly approached, not saying anything before she sat down "what's the meaning of this meeting?"

"Well Wednesday with everything that has been going on, what you told me a few days ago and your crazy obsession of that pointless case of yours I wanted to let you know I resigned you up with Jericho's therapist."
Wednesday stared at her blankly, obliviously not amused
"So I'm being punished for over sharing to you?"
Weems just smiled "oh Wednesday you know I love our little talks."
Wednesday rolled her eyes "a bit too much.."

Kinbott smiled as Wednesday came in "ah Wednesday it's good to see you again, we haven't seen each other since... you snuck out."
"Ah, here I was hoping to see each other again on yours or my death bed."
Kinbott smirked "awe even death wouldn't escape our little sessions, now since then principal weems said a lot has you care to share?"
Wednesday just stared at her
"I'm judging by your time she has told you about my unplanned pregnancy, one I certainly didn't wanna happen. I thought about aborting it since it's not even a loving thing yet but chose to keep it in respect for Enid, no I don't wanna talk about it and yes I'm handling it really well. Does that answer all your questions?"
Kinbott looked shocked, Wednesday got her but she regained her composure and smiled "so it's safe to say you and Enid have romantic feelings for each other?"

Now Wednesday was the one that was stumped "what no!"
But Kinbott pushed on
"But she got you pregnant?"
Now clearly getting on Wednesday nerves
"It was an accident!"
Suddenly the timer beeped, meaning their time was up

Kinbott a have her smile again "I know our time is up but may I ask one last question Wednesday?"
Wednesday looked her over and sighed to see what ridiculous thing she had now
"fine but it better not be stupid..."
"Seeing your not with Enid you'd be ok if she still had those romantic feeling for Ajax?"
Wednesday eyed her, thinking of all the ways she could kill her
"Should've asked that question sooner."
She turned and marched on out

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