The po cup

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Enid kept attention focused on the po cup, Wednesday won't lie, she noticed and felt the distant from enid but she did what she thought was best, telling the group enid was the father would just bring more problems, concerns and worry for the smaller wolf.
Thing and Enid were working on the boat, thing stood by Enid as she painted the boat. Yoko was supposed help her but last she got sick but Enid thinks it was one of her ways of avoiding work.
Thing lightly tapped on the boat trying to talk to Enid "you know you can't avoid her, avoiding her now is killing you..."
Enid nodded and sighed, he was right "I know, it's just did you hear Wednesday. She'd rather say her baby daddy was dead instead instead of tell them it's me"
Thing lightly patted Enid shoulder

Later that night

Yoko knocked on Wednesday dorm door, when opened she asked "is enid here?"
Wednesday eyed and obviously looked over yoko from bottom to top "Enid said you were sick?"
Yoko nodded "uh can I come in?"
Wednesday groaned and opened the door, letting her in "ok mean of this, I don't like games?"
Yoko nodded again "of course, I'm here because I think you should take place in the po cup.."
Wednesday eyed her again, now being pregnant she's twice as cautious "hmm and why would I accept that, I'm not one for school spirit."
"Well it means a lot for Enid and I thought this win could take ease off the baby.."
Wednesday scoffed at her proposal "pfft and why do you think it's Enid? We are both girls?"
Yoko smirked "first of all I know about Enid's condition down there and secondly her scent is all over you, one thing they don't ever teach you is that vampires have good sense of smells.... Seriously This would mean the world to Enid.."

Some time later
Weems looked at Wednesday and Xavier in her office
"Called you both in here for a discussion, apparently some people are uncomfortable with the idea of versing.. a pregnant girl in the po cup."
Wednesday scoffed and even lightly chuckled
"Is mr Thorpe that childish, he can't handle a pregnant girl beating him?"
Xavier shook his head "no and I'm not the only one, principal weems most of the other students are uncomfortable since if we hurt Wednesday, we are hurting an unborn baby and being one against abortions, I can't stand for this."
Weems raised an eyebrow, just confused and even a little shocked at how naive Xavier was acting. He had a little point of Wednesday got hurt it could damage the baby but she knows the trouble of saying no to an Addams.. meanwhile if she said yeh, it would keep Wednesday off this ridiculous case of hers "after a minute to think, I chose to leave it to your peers, miss Barclay will you come on in?"
Bianca smirked as the doors opened, flashing a cocky smile at the other two sitting in the room "thanks for inviting me miss weems, what seems to be the problem?"
She spoke in a fake friendly voice that already annoyed Wednesday
"Well I heard your aware of miss Addams situations, she wants to compete. Any objections?"
Bianca looked over to Wednesday and smirked but seeing her now... she hesitated " weems if she wants to compete I say go for it, plus it would be nice to have an Addams compete again."

All three students exit the room, Xavier stormed off as expected. Wednesday turned to Bianca "what's your play here?"
Bianca simply shrugged "ehh I pity you but... I have respect for you unlike my ex but also that guy who has a crush on you strangely? All I'm saying is, most teen moms would be freaking out but you remain strong, nice one Addams."
Bianca turned and walked away, Wednesday turned away and looked onward to the direction of her dorm. Seeing Enid lightly sitting on a bench not so far away, Wednesday walked over and sat right beside her "Sinclair.."
Enid lightly smiles, it felt nice to feel that warmth of having her close "I heard, happy your gonna be part of our team."
Then there was that awkward silence, Wednesday HATED it or found it annoying, if Enid had something to say she should just come out and say it. But Wednesday knows her too well and spoke first "Enid I apologize if not claiming you as the father insulted you or your family's honour... for years i did everything by myself and let me tell you that the results were amazing, always worked out so well but now that I have this... it isn't something I can handle alone.."
Enid leaned against Wednesday "I'll always help Wednesday... plus promise not to rub it it."
Wednesday had a tiny smile, barely
visible "now let's kick those teams asses

Showing up at the games, Wednesday put on her black cat costume right in front of the mirror hugging every part of her body, almost skin tight.
"Won't be able to wear stuff like this for long.."
Wednesday said, feeling a disappointed in how it looked, feeling like she was already showing...
Exiting the tent and immediately coming face to face with Enid.
Enid's eyes basically lit up seeing Wednesday in that cat suit "woah you look amazing!!"
Suddenly all those doubts and naive thoughts washed away,
Wednesday scoffed "I look ridiculous!"
Enid gasped "wait where's your whiskers!"
Wednesday now glared daggers at her "ask again and you'll be down a life."

They got into the boats and Ajax waved over at Enid and being the sweet person she was she waved back but Wednesday smirked
"Wow flirting with someone right in front of the person holding her baby..."
Enid gasped "no I didn't mean it like that!"
Wednesday looked away trying to look disappointed "then focus."
The race went well up until Wednesday ran up and grabbed their flag, getting her normal visions and realizing she's totally been neglecting her case! Something she can no longer afford,
Wednesday woke up and saw Xavier and Ajax with their flag, running away but Wednesday groaned
"Ah shit my water broke!"
Ajax immediately turned around "wait seriously!"
Xavier suddenly looked shocked "Ajax no!" Suddenly a net flew by and snatched them
Right up
Xavier groaned "she literally just got pregnant! How would her water break!"
Ajax looked at him disgusted "are you getting mad I checked up on a pregnant women? No wonder she didn't choose you.."
Wednesday made it back to their boat, quickly sailing back, easily catching up to Bianca and her team

In the end Wednesday and her team won, as they celebrated in the court yard in the school, Enid putting an arm around Jess but the second Enid did that, something rose up in Xavier "looks like the pregnant girl won!" He said out loud... now more people knew

Can I have this dance Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora