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Elisa: He is ouuuurrr teacher!!!

[He is dressed in a maroon check shirt paired with black chinos pants. A red ID card is hanging from his neck. His hair is not so well combed. Yes this 26 year old man is their professor and this is the person whom Elisa knocked sometimes before.]

Everyone: Good Morning, Sir.

Professor: Hello students. A very special good morning to you all. I'm your Professor Cyrus. Today I'll inform you about your syllabus.

[Elisa was gazing at him constantly. In between that as they both shared an sudden eye contact, Elisa rotated her neck.]

[After the end of the class. They both went outside of the campus.]

Scarlett: It is so unexpected, right?

Elisa: So what?

Scarlett: Umm, but he is so humble. The way you behave to him, he doesn't say anything to you.

Elisa: I don't care.

[Suddenly Elisa looked towards the parking section and started walking to it.]

Scarlett: Where are you going?

Elisa: I'm just coming in 2 minutes. Just wait here.

[Elisa goes to the 1st row of the bikes and chooses a Grey Royal Enfield. Her mind was totally going to do something bad. As she thinks of something, she punchers one of the tires. She gave a devil smile as if she had done some welfare.]

Elisa: (in her mind) Nice bike. Butt......

[Started giggling.]

[After some time, she joined Scarlett.]

Scarlett: What are you doing there?

Elisa: Nothing important, let's go.

[Outside the gate, there was an ice-cream stall. Elisa noticed a college girl enjoying her ice cream. It was another spark played on her mind again.]

[She rushed to that side and lightly pushed her. As a result, ice-cream has felt on the ground.]

Ice-cream Girl: Hey, are you blind? Where is the road and where are you running?

Elisa: I pushed you not your ice-cream. So, you have to fall on the ground not this. That's not my fault (giggling). Byeee...

Ice-cream Girl: Hey, are you insane? Listen to me... Heyyyy..

[Scarlett noticed all these things and when Elisa comes to her she said..]

Scarlett: Elisa, what was that!!

Elisa: I love to disturb everyone.

Scarlett: This is so silly habit.

Elisa: Don't worry. Even you can't escape (giggling).

[They both had a conversation about their lifestyle, hobbies and many more.]

Scarlett: Will you come to college everyday?

Elisa: No. Even I don't like outside. I just love my room. Will you come?

Scarlett: If you'll be my companion. Then yes.

Elisa: Ok done. I'll definitely come everyday.

[At Elisa's home.]

Elisa's Mom: How was your day?

Elisa: (nodding head) Yeah, it was good.

Elisa's Mom: Did you make any friend?

Elisa: I've not made any friend, but a girl named Scarlett made me her friend.

Elisa's Mom: Now you've to go to your college daily.

Elisa: Yeah, I'll do.

[The next day, after the class ends, Elisa requested Scarlett to wait again for her and she went to the parking section.]

[There she noticed that Grey Royal Enfield. But today she rolled her eyes on the new seat. Within a second she took out a paper cutter and started cutting the seat. After she ended her operation, the seat was totally ripped.]

Elisa: (in her mind) Nice bike. Butt......

[Again she started giggling.]

[When she came to Scarlett, she was looking very curious.]

Scarlett: Tell me na... What are you doing?

[Elisa told her all about her deeds in these 2 days. Scarlett was literally astonished about her deeds.]

Scarlett: But why? Do you know who's bike was that?

Elisa: No I don't want to know. And as I said to you, I do these things only for my fun (chuckles).

[The very next day, when the class ended Cyrus looked at Elisa.]

Cyrus: You (pointing at Elisa). Stand up. What is your name?

Elisa: (in a shivering voice) Umm... Wh.. What happened sir?

Cyrus: (in anger) Answer to my question.

Elisa: E.. Elisa Sir.

Cyrus: Come to teacher's room after 20 minutes. Clear?

Elisa: Ye... Yes sir.

[The whole class was gazing at her. After Professor Cyrus left, Scarlett held her hand.]

Scarlett: Now what you've done, mad girl.

Elisa: Trust me, Scarlett. I've done nothing today.

Scarlett: Then??

Elisa: I don't have any idea(very silent).

[After 20 minutes. She peeped into the teachers' room and she got eye contact with Cyrus. He came outside of the room.]

Cyrus: You, umm... What's your name?

Elisa: Elisa sir. But, what happened sir?

Cyrus: Let me show you something.

[Professor Cyrus took out his phone and showed her something which, she can't expect.]

Cyrus: (in anger) Now tell me Miss Elisa, what's this?


What was on that phone?
Let me know in the comments.
Thank You for reading.....

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