Chapter 4: Don't Speak of my Name

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"Right? Is that why you left me in this marriage? Because it was a bad game? Because I was a bad game?" Eros bites the side of his cheeks. He doesn't know if it's because of the liquor he just had yesterday night but hell he was furious. Sometimes Eri was just so smart he starts to wonder if she has feelings at all. Or if she lets herself feel things she was supposed to or just blocks them out because she thinks there's no need to.

"Don't step on my boundaries, Eros." she says. "Think as you like."

"Mr. and Mrs. Choi, we're ready!" the assistant director says.

"Coming!" Eros says as he tries to make his anger dissipate and just walk out of the room.
(3 Years Ago)
"You were so smart, aren't you? What is your IQ?" Eros once asked while the two of them have coffee and Eri just randomly gets her laptop out, solving what seems to be an equation for her research.

"It was 120 when I last checked." she says simply. As if it's not a big deal.

"Really? That's high." Eros says with an amused expression. "Isn't the average score 100?"

"Yep." Eri laughs. "I failed classes in college, mind you. I'm not that bright."

Eros intertwines her free hand with his and plays with it. "I don't think it's because you weren't bright, love."

"I fail to control my emotions at times, I get burned out easily and that makes me not attend classes." she confesses. "So I kind of made a promise that when a situation stresses me out and make me experience intense emotion, I cast the emotion out and get rid of the situation so that I won't fail with the tasks I have to do."

"How do you do that, hmm?" Eros asks.

"I ghost people."

(Eros's Point of View)
The episode shooting just ended and Eri and I were eating silently in the kitchen. The crew members just left after Eri gave them money for a company dinner. For all I know, she just wants them out of our home as fast as they can. She's an introvert and probably had no social battery left already.

As I stare at her as we eat, things started drifting into my mind again. Things about what we had talked about in that cafe we used to went out to after her work at Eros' Broadcasting.

"I ghost people." That's something I can't deny is true. She really does have a hobby of just shutting down in an argument, not really explaining herself and just let the other person think as he or she pleases. She barely even argues. She only does them when it's about work or engineering or general knowledge. Other than that, she'll fall silent and just not talk to you.

But I really do think that she ghosts people because she neglects herself and that's what I hate the most about her.

She endures everything and not let herself feel the emotions people usually feel. Although it's a great work and life ethics, it's still neglect. Sometimes I just want her to not suppress those feelings inside, I want her to just shout at me or throw things at me when she's mad like how she used to do when we're dating and married but I feel like she's not comfortable anymore to do those things with me.

"Quit staring. I'm eating and it's uncomfortable." she says coldly.

"Can I bring Jian over tonight?" I ask. Was it just my imagination or she really trembled with Jian's name being mentioned?

"Since when did you start asking me about bring women home?" she asks, staring right back into my eyes. Her eyes coldly bore into mine. I was hoping for a reaction but all she gave me is a question. Nice try, Eros Ravi Choi. "Do as you like."


(3rd Person's Point of View)
"Gosh, we're so late. Sorry." Yeren says as she take a sit in front of Mingyu and his friend. Eri sits beside her with Seven while carrying Seven. They were meeting an Event Planner today for their son's 1st birthday party and their 2nd wedding anniversary.

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