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There were actual times when I refused to think that I was alright and this situation does get better. For a matter of fact, I think I was just getting used to the feeling or numbing everything I saw and felt, but I was not healing.

I am not getting better like how people projected me to be after months of the decision. I was still the girl who got married when I was 20 and got sick of it so got divorced by 22.

I am an asshole. I am very aware of that. I am not the pristine princess Eros, my ex husband, portrayed me to be. I was quite a bold one. I graduated and mastered Industrial Engineering at a very young age and I was a research development Engineer a year into our marriage but he hated that, he doesn't want me to work but I crave my mind to be used. So even if he was a good husband to me, I have to divorce him so that I could be free of the times he asks me to stop working so that I could focus on having a baby and being a mother. I beg to disagree. Can't I just do both?

But I was hurt, hell I am. I wanted freedom but I guess I wasn't prepared for the consequences I had to face without the person that I dreaded to love every single time I wake up in the morning and by the time I close my eyes in our bed at night. I miss him. And now, 1 year and six months into the divorce, I could still sanely say that I actually am still in love of him. And I watch the girls she attempts to date go on tiptoes every friday night just to kiss him.

And before you think of me as an stupid ex that stalks and looks at everything that her ex lover does, let me just tell you that I don't see such situations in a voluntary manner. My work laboratory is next to the main hanging out lounge of this goddamn house and I obviously work at night for comfortability reasons. So every time I take a break and walk myself into the kitchen for a glass of water or a snack, I will be seeing his sinister smile towards a new girl in his lap, every single friday.

Yes, as you could have figured by now. Eros and I live in the same house. Because as we settle the divorce, we get the same amount of shares of everything we own, except for this house that my parents own. When I asked them what should I do with it in front of Eros and his parents one Tuesday night, all they said was,

"Whatever, whoever wants to move out will lose the house. The one who stays gets it by him or herself. Do this divorce in your own ways since you decided on it without considering your parents decisions."

So here we are, everyday battling to have this huge house on ourselves. Have I ever told you, yet? I hate losing, so I am not losing this large amount of money to him. Not to an asshole that brings women inside our home and plays the TV so loud just so that, 'I couldn't hear them'. He's so considerate that I'd like to kill him with my bare hands if given the chance.

"Ares Athena Rouge."He calls. It's 5 am in the morning and as usual, I am in my work laboratory, finishing a section of my research in order to satisfy my need for redemption in life. I had failed my marriage but I will never fail in my profession and education. "I know you can hear me and I am very well aware that you're wide awake, looking into your sample data by now."

He's by my laboratory's door but he cannot enter. My facility has a password and that's for a reason. I lock myself here every now and then to work and not be disrupted by some shit. But even if he cannot enter I could still hear him and he knows so every now and then, if he likes, he talks to me by midnight. Some of the things I hate and I love as well. Touche.

"You didn't eat dinner? The food in the fridge hasn't been touched." He says. So what? I don't need to be reminded to eat. I ate outside fucker. "I don't want you to think that I am trying to interfere in your life but you should–"

I cut him off, I pushed the button to my doorbell speaker and said, "You are very much interfering right now, Eros Ravi Choi. Get lost."

I could still feel the bitter stinging of my words in my mouth but washes them away. He needs to be reminded of my boundaries. I let him bring women here already, talking to me would be too much for me, don't you think?

"If you want a talking buddy then get yourself one. I am working and you're becoming a distraction."

"Look, Eri.. I actually don't understand why you hate me like this. This is not what we agreed on." Huh? The nerve? You're bringing women into our house and letting me hear your unholy predicament almost every Friday and you're telling me you don't get why I hate you? Moron!

"We don't agree on anything, boy. The only thing we agreed on is the lump of shares we got from our marriage." I say.

"I thought.. I thought we agreed on being friends.." He says, almost like a whisper but my doorbell voice monitor could hear him.

"We are not friends, Eros. Get lost." I say and with that, he walks away. We are not friends, how could we? That was just stupid. How could I be friends with someone I still love and couldn't move on with?

He was Falling Inlove | Choi Seung CheolWhere stories live. Discover now