Chapter 2: You Lied

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"Eros, my loving husband, you're finally here." Eri says, her voice is low and dangerous. Eros knows that voice too well, she is angry. No, she is not just angry, she is mad. "This girl right here says that she's your girlfriend?" Eri says, even more slowly.

Eros gulps and takes little steps towards the girl "Eri, let me explain—."

But Eri snaps right at him and smiles, fuck, that smile. Eros is in big trouble.

"People only explain when the other person couldn't understand and keep up with the situation but I do know what is going on, don't you think? So don't explain." Eri says. "I just told you to get down here since I'm telling something important."

"But before that, I missed you, honey. I think I deserve a kiss."

and she kisses him, the kiss was angry, very fiery, it was almost like she was eating Eros's soul that got him trembling on his knees.

"What the fuck?" Jian reacts.

When the kiss finished, Eros could only hear his own thoughts. After two years, she kissed him again. She was surely planning something.

"and Jian, I want you to never set your foot in this place again. It will be bad for our baby." Eri says again.

"Baby? What baby?" Eros asks. He was confused. What baby was she talking about?

"Well news, everyone. I am pregnant." She grins to Jian and back at Eros. "And don't you think Mom and Floreen will hate a mistress in our reality show?"

"W-we are doing the show?" Eros asks.

"Yes, honey. We are doing the show so go on and give Eros Broadcasting a call." she says. "and you, I want you out of my home before you get your name all over the news tonight."

"You can't just do those things and not talk to me two days after!" Eros frustratedly says as he spots Eri taking a sip of water in their fridge. It's 10:34 AM am and she's taking a little water and snack break.

"Hmm?" She says as she take a step back from her fridge, closing it and giving Eros a glance.

"Eri, why did you lie? Why did you lie in front of Yeren and Jian?" He asks, a little bit calmer now. He knows it's best not to show too much emotions in front of Eri because she likes when people look vulnerable in front of her. It makes her feel more powerful.

"Why? Yeren probably knows that I am lying. She's not gonna be a problem." she replies. "and as for Jian, I just don't like her."

"You never had a problem with all the girls I brought here." He says. "So what's the problem with her now?"

"You broke our only law." She says. "Why did you tell her about the divorce? We promised to never tell anyone outside our family about the divorce to avoid rumors, didn't we?"

Eros looks at her. Reading her,  but there were no visible emotions in her face. He hates it. He hates how she is so inhumane with everything that she does.

"Was she that special that you were willing to tell her everything?" she asks again. "You lied, Eros."

"You were the one who ended it." He says, almost gritting his teeth. "Why are you getting mad over a girl and me breaking our promise?"

"Do I look mad?" she asks with a slight smile. "I am not mad at you, Eros. It's just a waste of emotions to feel such feelings for people—."

"So why wouldn't you let yourself feel those emotions for once?" He asks. "You are a person for God's sake!"

she looks at her watch, taps on it and looks back at Eros. "Your five minutes is done. I don't feel the need to explain myself to a person I am not even comfortable with." she says as she walk away. "Call your company and let's start what you dread for us to start."

(3 Years Ago)
"I only haven't seen you in days and this is what you do?" Eri says as she dress his wounds. Eros just came home from an accident, he drove towards Eri and Yeren's apartment while drunk since she ghosted him after learning that he and Yeren were twins and that he is an artist.

"Why didn't you call me back? Why aren't you responding to my messages?" Eros asks.

"Is that even more important right now? You have a serious injury in your shoulders, Eros Ravi Choi!" she says, almost in the verge of crying.

"We've been in dates for 2 months now, Eri. Why did you left me hanging like that?" Eros asks again.

"I hate people who lie." she says as tears run down on her face finally. "You could have just told me that you and Yeren were twins. You could have just told me that you own the Broadcasting Company I am working on as a junior research and development engineer. But you lied, you even said that you're unemployed but days later I found out that you're an artist."

"Okay, I lied about being the only son of a simple family but I did not lie about the latter. I am not the heir of that company, my older brother is." Eros says. "But you're an heir yourself."

"I never lied about it!" she says frustratedly. "I hate you!" tears started breaming on her eyes and she let out deep breaths.

"No, Eri. You're inlove with me." He touches her face, wipes her tears away and giving her a kiss. A slow one. A kiss that she realized was her first one.

"W-what was that for?"

"I am not gonna lie to you anymore, Eri. From this day on, no more lies for the both of us?"

Eros turns his whiskey glass and looks at the liquor inside it as it moves slowly. A memory. Those things were all just a memory for him. Slowly fading from his grasp and makes him question how are they long gone right now.

"It's funny how I still want her to be the same even if whenever I look at her, I don't even recognize her anymore."

Mingyu looks at him. He and his wife, Yeren, were staying at Eri and Eros' home for the night.

"I want to keep on cherishing our memories together but it's painful to hold on such beautiful images when I know that they are not going to happen anymore."

"You can always make new ones." Mingyu says. "Eri may have divorced you, but you're still living in a same roof, why do you think she lets that happen?"

"She hates losing. Eri probably won't let me have this house because she sees this situation as a competition."

"It's not as simple as that. Eri is a smart lady. She knows very well which game to play and those not worth playing." Mingyu says. "She stays here, with you. Because it's all she has known for years. She is comfortable with the thought of having you around."

"Huh? I've been bringing different women in here and she knows. How do you think that was comfortable for her?"

"I don't know, you tell me." Mingyu stares at him. "Are you dumb, Eros-ah? She's still inlove with you and she's enduring all your predicaments because she can't do anything with it."

He was Falling Inlove | Choi Seung CheolWhere stories live. Discover now