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Brain and heart are the most vital organs without them life is not possible yet at the same  time these two organs make a human miserable at times. Brain which stores our whole life ,happy moments ,bad moments ,childhood memories.. flashback , in otherwords a person without brain is dead but if one has only bad memories since his birth ,hurt moments,bad moments ,his miserable moments which his brain plays like a never ending reel .... that person wishes for his brain to forget everything,every memory of his hard time ...
  Heart another vital organ,which pump blood in our body ,which beats briskly during euphoria,during happiness,during success but what if the person never saw any happiness so his heart beats rapidly during sorrow,  during affliction .
  A child is the most observant,most sensitive being present in this universe. They observe the even  slight change in tone ,in behaviour but its common saying,"no problem he is a child he will not understand ,he will forget" ...bit they do understand everything ,and they never forget anything

     A boy of 10 years was sitting in the corner of dark room ,head resting on his knees crying and then there was a loud thunder voice from outside which caused the poor boy to flinch very badly. A loud sob escaped from his mouth and he immediately covered his mouth with hands to stop any voice  but the boy was scared of thunders and tonight it was rainning cats and dogs. He slowly got up, tried to open the door but it was still locked ,he turned around in his black dark  room unable to see anything and made his way toward his bed , immediately went under the covers, tightly closed his eyes,he was shivering but there was no one to console this little crying soul . After crying for hours ,sleep finally took mercy on him and welcomed him into another dark world of nightmares .....

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